Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

Conversations with People

July 1, 2008

Hello all, About once a week, I'll head down from El Alto to the center of Bolivia's capital La Paz to do visa paperwork, or meet with a Bolivian church that supports our work, or just get a café con leche and read a good book.  As likely as not, I'll run into an expat…

A hero's advice

June 15, 2008

Dear Family and Friends, Greetings of peace, joy, and hope to you. Have you ever had the opportunity to chat with one of your heroes? Perhaps you stumble to try to find the question you really want to ask.  Maybe you hang on every word of their response, hoping to remember each phrase.  You observe…

Beggars Society: June 8, 2008: Humility and Interfaith Dialogue: Beth Katz and Michael Alley

June 8, 2008


April Folkertsma – Jun. 1, 2008

June 1, 2008

Dear Friends and Family: It is with continued gratefulness that I begin this letter. Each month I’m overwhelmed at how God meets my needs through you in the way you give so generously to Him and to me. Thank you. I continue to ask for your prayers as I learn Romanian. Language learning is coming…

Andrew Ulasic – Jun. 1, 2008

June 1, 2008

Dear Friends, While biking home from language class the other day, I was listening to Donald Miller speak about story. He talked about our lives as stories that we are writing, and suggested that the best stories, like in books or movies, include a protagonist who risks losing her/his life. In the best stories, there…

Vol. 14, No. 2 Brokenness (Summer 2008)

June 1, 2008

Vol. 14, No. 2 Brokenness (Summer 2008)

June 1, 2008

June 1, 2008

Dear Loved Ones, I received my itinerary on May 15th for a week in Bolivia and a week in Peru, leaving Omaha on June 21st and coming back July 5th.   We have not yet heard about Jose's visa, so I was forced to purchase my ticket apart from his; if his visa arrives in the…

Winds of change…

June 1, 2008

Greetings to everyone from Kathmandu! Well, Spring has sprung here in Kathmandu and we’re all enjoying a bit of beautiful weather before monsoon season sets in soon. I hope this letter finds you all well and enjoying the change of seasons. Speaking of change… hopefully each of you received our community prayer letter that was…

June 2008 Prayer Letter

June 1, 2008

Dear Friends and Family, How di bodi? Krio greetings from Freetown, West Africa. We hope this finds you enjoying the warm spring weather and blooming tulips! Sierra Leone doesn't have seasons like we've been familiar with, spring, summer, fall, and winter. Here, there are three seasons, dry, wet, and windy. As for us, we're just…

June Prayer Letter

June 1, 2008

Dear Friends, Greetings from Omaha!  I hope this letter finds you well.  Life here is good.  It's been great to resume an active life of service after sabbatical.  It's been nearly 5 months since returning, but in some ways it feels like we've just gotten back.  Sabbatical rest is still very near to us and…