Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

Unexpected Confession

August 20, 2013

 She was a slender white female with blond hair, black and white dress and black pumps on her way to work. She really didn’t mean me any harm when she grabbed her bag. I was just a reminder to be safe. When a black man gets on the train headed to work like everyone else,…

Spring 2014 Servant Teams

August 20, 2013

Now Accepting Applications for Spring 2014 Servant Team!  Where: Romania and Moldova When: February 1- June 3, 2014 (2 months in Romania, 2 months in Moldova) Cost: TBD Application Instructions: 1. Find the Servant Team Application and Servant Team Reference Form online here (click on “Apply”) 2. Read the Application Instructions page thoroughly 3. Return the…

September 2013

August 15, 2013

Dear Friends and Family, We are quickly approaching the end of our time in the States and will be returning to Moldova next week (I write on August 15). Rachel and I are looking forward to truly unpacking our suitcases, making food in our own kitchen and relaxing in our own apartment. We also can’t…

August Prayer Letter

July 26, 2013

August 2013 Dear Family & Friends: As most of you know, the primary focus of our ministry in Buenos Aires has been with vulnerable young adults, youth, and children at the Retiro train station located in the center of the city. Over the past five years, I have shared many stories and reflected on experiences…

August 2013

July 10, 2013

Dear Friends and Family, I hope this letter finds you well. I (Rachel) write to you after two full weeks in the States spent with friends and family as well as working on our summer fundraising and advocacy plans. The first week we were back was spent finalizing details for our art auction in Columbus,…

WMF Romania Position Opening

July 2, 2013

Looking for opportunities to join the Word Made Flesh Community?  Word Made Flesh Romania is seeking an individual to serve as the Short Term Programs Coordinator. This person will organize and lead Servant Teams, Internships and short-term teams for WMF Romania. This position is an active participant in the WMF Romania community while focusing their…

July 2013

June 17, 2013

Dear Friends and Family, Earlier this month we successfully organized our first overnight camp for a group of approximately 20 adolescents who have been coming to our after-school program for the last year. We rented a facility about 40 minutes outside of Chisinau that included dorms, a cafeteria, sports fields, an auditorium and plenty of…

Chennai June Update

June 10, 2013

Read the latest! Chennai Prayer Letter 2013

My Inaugural Electronic Newsletter

June 7, 2013

Click here to read the latest from Buenos Aires… Inaugural Electronic Newsletter

June 2013

June 1, 2013

Dear Friends and Family, We hope this letter finds you well. I (Rachel) am writing this from our new apartment that we moved into a week ago. We quickly settled into this space and are really enjoying a bit of extra room and more natural light. Simon the cat is also pretty happy that our…