Word Made Flesh Blog

Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.


Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko

Jesus Wept By Rachel Dyachenko   I have a friend and colleague who once pointed out to me the shortest verse in ...

October Prayer Letter…Sneak Peek

September 15, 2010

October 2010 Dear Family & Friends, I returned to Buenos Aires August 31 after two months in the U.S. The month of July included our WMF Staff Gathering in Nebraska, fun times with friends in Omaha, and sweet times in Toronto visiting my sister & crew! August was spent in California with family and friends.…

Staff Gathering 2010

September 9, 2010

We’d like to invite you to watch and/or listen to some of the sessions from our triennial Staff Gathering. Opening session with Phileena Heuertz (7/12/10) Phileena Heuertz at Staff Gathering 2010 from Word Made Flesh on Vimeo. Audio State of the Mission Reflection, Chris Heuertz and Phileena Heuertz (7/13/10) audio only Field updates (7/13/10) audio…

Prayer for Street Outreach – Oracion por Alcance en Calle

September 6, 2010

Por favor oren con nosotros los dias miercoles mientras que estamos ministrando con los jovenes. Please pray for us on wednesdays during our street outreach time with the youth.

Forcatto September Prayer Letter

September 6, 2010

September 1, 2010 Dear Family and Friends, Our time in the U.S. in July was truly fantastic. We were in Nebraska City for 2 weeks at the WMF Staff Gathering. Seeing long time friends and making new friends was one of the highlights of the gathering for us. The Children’s Retreat was a classic success…

September Prayer Letter

September 2, 2010

September 2010   Hello! I apologize for having not written to you last month. I was in Nebraska City at the WMF Staff Gathering…for 3 weeks! This event, which occurs every three years, includes all the N. American staff living abroad so everyone flies in and we meet together with workshops, sessions, worship and meals.…

September 2010

September 2, 2010

Dear Friends and Family, I am back in Moldova after a really wonderful WMF staff gathering just outside of Omaha, Nebraska during the month of July. These past few weeks back in Eastern Europe have been unusually warm with temperatures hovering around 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, so we’ve been glad to see that…

Sept 2010 Prayer Letter

September 2, 2010

Dear Family and Friends, Writing to you today, I am filled with confidence that God has brought me to an even better place than I expected when I first stumbled upon Word Made Flesh five months ago. Having spent two weeks in July living with the majority of WMF’s overseas staff, hearing their stories, sharing…

Beggars Society: Crossing Borders, Breaking Hearts with Kathleen Erickson

September 2, 2010

Crossing Borders, Breaking Hearts Speaker Kathleen Erickson Audio Word Made Flesh 1011 Leavenworth St. Omaha, NE 68102 Sunday, September 12 7 pm About our speaker: Kathleen Erickson, RSM, has a background in education and administration, and spent the last 18 years at the US/Mexico border. She is co-founder and former director of the Women’s Intercultural…

September 2010 Prayer Letter

September 1, 2010

September 2010 Dear Friends, Thank you for your prayers while Ana and I were in the States. Our time was both full and restful. It was great to have time with so many of you, though it always seems like our time together is too short. Both of the conferences we attended (one with Word…

through the lens

August 31, 2010

September 2010 Summer has fast come to an end. This month I will share glimpses of my days not with words but through a camera lens. There were lots of hellos and goodbyes this summer and I continue to grapple with the call to be here and call this new place home. For their protection…