Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
April prayer letter
April 2008 Dear friends and family, We hope that this letter finds you all well, trusting in God's providence and care for you. We are settling back into life here in Lima- we hesitate saying "normal life" because this adventure of following God's leading to work in community among the poor in Lima is anything…
“He is not here; [Jesus] has RISEN, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Matthew 28:6 Dear Loved Ones, We begin this letter with some great news. This week we found out that our permanent visa applications were approved! Since Anna was born over two years ago, we've…
Good News from Freetown
Beloved Friends and Family, Greetings of peace, joy, and hope to you! I hope you had a beautiful Easter, experiencing God’s amazing love in dynamic revitalizing ways! Many good things have been happening here in Freetown since I wrote last! In January Laura Alley (president of WMF USA board of directors) and her husband Mike…
April 2008
April 2008 Dear Friends and Family, The life that Tim and I have been called to comes with a unique blessing that we are only now beginning to truly feel and as the time for us to leave comes and we are living on the field we will truly…
Beggars Society: March 9, 2008: Kate Hurley: Intimacy: Knowing God in Worship
April Folkertsma – Mar. 3, 2008
Dear Friends and Family: I’m officially on my way to Romania! On March 11 I fly out of LAX for Bucharest where I’ll be met by some of the Word Made Flesh community before we make the late-night drive to Galati. You may remember from my previous letter that I write these letters about 2…
April Folkertsma – Mar. 1, 2008
Dear Friends and Family, It’s a funny thing to write a letter you will receive in March when today is February 14. Mostly the letters I send are written 2 weeks before they are mailed and, as you know, much can happen in 2 weeks. When I last wrote I thought it probable that I…
Andrew Ulasich – Mar. 1, 2008
Dear Friends, When you receive this letter I will finally be in Nepal. As I write now, though, I am sitting in central California with green hills to my back, and my eyes locked on the waves crashing against the beautiful coast. The high today is 68 degrees. Are you Midwesterners jealous? My time here…
Vol. 14, No. 1 Submission (Spring 2008)
Vol. 14, No. 1 Submission (Spring 2008)
Nepal – A Nation in Crisis
Dear Friends, As the winter season is finally beginning to come to an end, I can feel a shift in the air. But it's not a change of natural seasons that is stirring these days; it is a stirring of the political climate here in Nepal. This month I want to fill you in on…