Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Hope in the waiting
This year I find hope in the waiting. I am eager for the warmth and cheer of Christmas day…
December Prayer Letter
Hello! By the time you get this, marks of the Christmas season will be all around us! I can almost smell cinnamon candles, see the real evergreen tree all decorated in the living room and taste eggnog. Oh, how I love the holiday time! I’ve mentioned this countless times—I love reading WMF staff…
Prayer for World AIDS Day
Today we remember our friends and neighbors around the world who suffer from HIV and AIDS. A Prayer for World AIDS Day
December 2009 Prayer Letter
December 2009 Dear Friends, A couple weeks ago one of the newest little girls came walking through the gate. “Can you please go get my brother?” Her older brother has been taking part in the program here for the past year or so. “Why?” I asked. “Daddy just died…” We’ve known for some time that…
December Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, Late this summer, Phileena and I visited a couple WMF communities in South America. While in Argentina, Dave Bayne (WMF Buenos Aires staff), reflecting on all our social media activity asked, “You guys having a hard time raising support up there?” It’s true. The difficulties experienced by many because of the economy…
December Prayer Letter
Dear Friends, Late this summer, Phileena and I visited a couple WMF communities in South America. While in Argentina, Dave Bayne (WMF Buenos Aires staff), reflecting on all our social media activity asked, “You guys having a hard time raising support up there?” It’s true. The difficulties experienced by many because of the economy have also…
Forcatto Prayer Letter, Dec 2009
December 1, 2009 Dearest Family and Friends, The Advent season is soon upon us. November 29 marked the beginning of Advent. Our community in Buenos Aires once again welcomed the Advent season with a time of liturgy and worship. Advent is the season when we await the coming of the Christ Child. And in this…
On Hospitality
November 13, 2009 Although many, we might even say most, strangers in this world become easily the victim of a fearful hostility, it is possible for men and women and obligatory for Christians to offer an open and hospitable space where strangers can cast of their strangeness and become our fellow human beings. –Henri Nouwen…
Compaixão – The cry of my heart!
E vindo, evangelizou paz a vós outros que estáveis longe e paz também aos que estavam perto (Efésios 2:17) Às vezes penso existir uma parede que nos separa… Tão próximos e tão distantes daquilo que nos torna tão diferentes. Em uma tarde chuvosa, (onde somente aquilo que nos torna diferentes e capazes de nos mover…
WMF Gear Holiday Sale
As a small way of saying thanks, we want to offer you 30% off our online merchandise. It’s simple: Go to our online store. Pick out your gear. Fill out your shipping info. On the next page, Shipping Method, enter as your Promo Code: holiday. Bam! 30% off.