Back to work!

Greetings once again,

I'm happy to inform you all that I made it safely back to Nepal on August 4th after 2 months of enjoying time with friends and family back in the states.  It was a really wonderful time for me being back with many of you.  My family is doing well, everyone is growing up and moving on with life so quickly! My little brother John is almost as tall as me already and he's only 13! Amazing… it seems like an entire lifetime ago that I was hanging out with those precious little kids in Haiti. I suppose that means I'm also growing up and moving forward in life.

Coming back has been a bit of a difficult transition, as most transitions aren't easy. I'm the sole North American on the field for my first 3 weeks back, so I'm learning a few things about trust in the Lord and in my Nepali friends. Of course there is no room for loneliness here! Within 24 hours of being back I had been informed about all the happenings here over the summer. Many of my friends were in jail calling me to come and bail them out.  A few stopped by my room to offer prayers of thanks upon my return.  I've spent the last week or so simply reconnecting with people here and getting over jet lag.

Over the summer I had the opportunity to attend an all Word Made Flesh staff retreat in Nebraska City, Nebraska.  It was a blessed 10 full days of meetings, and throwing around ministry ideas together.  I got to meet many new staff members for the first time, as well as time spent with old friends too. Following the retreat I travelled south to Houston, Texas for another conference with speakers Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Patricia King, and Keith Miller. It was an amazing time of getting recharged and excited about what God is doing around the world once again. There are so many crazy things going on in America today, and ministries that I would love to be involved in there! It made me want to plug into as many of them as possible, so I would encourage any of you with interest to do so as well.

I don't have much of an update from this side of the world just yet, as I have just been back around 2 weeks now. Back in May all of the boys who were living in Kripaa Sadan came out and began their new lives on the outside.  Apparently some of them are struggling and satan is doing his best to lure them back into their old lifestyles.  It has been hard to see some of them falling back into their old struggles, but I want to ask us all to pray that the seeds that have been planted in their hearts would be protected from the enemy's grasp! I believe his plans will not come to pass, so please believe with me in this.  I also thank God for those of the boys who are really striving.  One boy, Raju, is especially pressing hard after God.  He is working for our church now as an evangelist and saw many people come to Christ and find healing and deliverence through Jesus over the summer. So, join with me in thanking God for Raju's victory.

Please continue to pray for me as I find my place again here.  Each time I step away I come back refreshed but it takes a little bit of time before I can really feel settled. So, please ask the Lord to fill us all with a new sense of direction and discernment about when, where and in whose heart He is ready to move!!

Much love to all of you,


Just a reminder as well that if any of you would like to keep up with me online I have a blog located at: