Calendar Review

October 15, 2009

Hello Everybody!

I was startled into the reality of the changing seasons last weekend with the unusually early snowfall last Saturday (only the 2nd weekend of October!). I suppose summer is over. I’m thinking it is about time for a calendar review. Here are some of the professional and personal highlights of the past several months for me.

In June, I attended the Duke Divinity Center for Reconciliation’s summer institute. The emphasis was on building the beloved community in a divided world. My week in North Carolina proved to be a great opportunity for me to clarify my thoughts on content for our Short Term Programming at WMF and brainstorm some ideas for Beggars Society. I was able to dialogue with leaders from other organizations and spend some time with a couple of my dear friends from Taylor who were also in the area. A highlight for me was something that Father Emmanuel Katangole said in passing during my seminar. On the topic of forming Christians who embody reconciliation he remarked, “You know, you can’t engineer sleep!” I can remember countless nights before a big presentation or an early morning flight trying tirelessly (and in vain) to fall asleep. I know I must (some of you know how crazy I get about this) get sufficient sleep for the event the next day, but the anticipation is keeping me awake. And then. Suddenly. Actually, a not so suddenly six to eight hours later I wake up. Somehow sleep happened. I got in my sleeping outfit, lit my lavender candle, read my book until my eyes felt sleepy, and yet I still don’t know exactly how it happened. I can prepare and pray, I can read and reflect and yet formation, growth and becoming a person of God’s beloved community happens outside of my explicit efforts. Which, of course, is the way it should be resting in God’s hands.

In July, I celebrated my 2nd anniversary with Word Made Flesh. About a month ago the Omaha community traveled to Arbor Day Farms for our annual retreat. It was a much-needed time of reconnecting and clarifying expectations for our community. We revisited our vision statement and came up with community guidelines for having “crucial conversations.” Earlier this month I was received as a member of the church I have been attending for the last ten months, St Martin of Tours.

Next week, I will be a witness in Jara and Kenley’s wedding. Jara has been a huge part of my service at WMF as a co-worker and friend. The whole community is looking forward to celebrating with them. I think that’s it! I would love to get a calendar review from you.

With love,