Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Trust the Lord
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, And he will make your paths straight.” Prov. 3:5-6 It’s a Friday night, my two room-mates are out and I’m home alone with our black and white cat, Matroshka, who is asleep in…
July 2011
Dear Friends and Family, Rachel and I are back in Chişinău after a 5-day staff retreat we spent in a village about an hour outside of the city. During our retreat we focused on a passage of Scripture from John 15 and had meditations each day on the topics of intimacy, obedience, joy and love.…
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:22 July 2011 Buna tuturor,[1] You are receiving this letter as we are putting together the final details for two weeks of day-camp with the kids at the internat in July. Will you be getting away for…
July Prayer Letter
July 2011 Today is June 13th and less than three weeks away from my departure to South America! Jeff and I fly out on the first of July. So, we might actually be there or en route at the very moment that you are reading this! Very exciting! I look forward to giving you all…
July 2011 Prayer Letter
Hello! As you read this I am traveling between Bolivia and Brazil. I’ve been looking forward to visiting the Word Made Flesh communities in these countries for a number of months, and it is so good to finally depart. Hilary, a co-worker of mine, and I will be in El Alto, Bolivia until July 6.…
July 2011 Prayer Letter
July 2011 Dear Friends, On May 16th our two teens (Eleni and Florin) finally came to stay. This past month has been really, really great. That doesn’t mean it’s been easy or without challenges. There have been some huge challenges. But it has been amazing to have Eleni and Florin living with us and becoming…
July '11 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Our Servant Team has left and two new volunteers have arrived on a Discovery Team. These last couple of months have seemed to go by so quickly, especially with all our transitions and changes. Since January, we have received and parted with the Servant Team, moved twice, Adam traveled to Peru,…
Traveling Mercies
June 2011 Dear Family and Friends, My favorite time of year is upon us – that is, any time of year when I can go outside without a coat/jacket/parka. I hope you are enjoying summer as well! As you unfold this letter, the first Servant Team for Word Made Flesh Moldova will be ending their…
the oil of gladness
Last month I introduced you to a song that moved me to lament and cry out to the Lord. On the same album, the following song is the Easter triumphal song of hope, a word to hang onto at the end of every day.
March 2011 Dear Family and Friends, It is amazing to see what changes happen with the kids in just a few short months. After Christmas we adjusted the programming schedule in order to provide a better atmosphere for homework time. These changes also allowed us to more effectively plug-in vol unteers. We have decided to…