Word Made Flesh is a contemplative community. One of the ways that we contemplate what God is doing in the world and in our lives is through the reflection articles that we write. We invite you to read, learn, and celebrate with us.

Jesus Wept by Rachel Dyachenko
Restoration within suffering
The coming judgment of Christ will not be based on the works of the perpetrator but on the “suffering of the sufferers,” according to Jürgen Moltmann. In his newest book, Sun of Righteousness Arise, he writes, “The image of the end-time ‘fire’ has nothing to do with the stake or with the apocalyptic destruction of…
The Cry Vol 16 No 4 . 4
He calls us each by name By Brooke About a year ago, as I was walking through the streets of Kathmandu one afternoon, a friend approached me. He began telling me of a woman he knew who was pregnant but did not have the means to support the baby after it was born. He wanted…
Letter from the Editor
When I first started here in the WMF Omaha office, Daphne (my director then) made sure I took time for formational reading and growing in issues awareness. So I read, I watched, I learned. I came to understand why we have a field in Sierra Leone and learned stories of the civil war that destroyed…
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere
Advent in the Southern Hemisphere: Actively Waiting in Newness of Life December 2010 Dear Family and Friends, Hope, peace, joy and love to you this Advent season! Last year I contributed to an Advent series titled “What are we waiting for this Advent season?” on the blog Godspace. Below is an adaption of my reflections…
Aaron Strumpel in town on Tuesday!
LISTEN TO THE CONCERT HERE! Tuesday, November 23 at 7 pm*: Holiday Beggars Society Meeting with recording artist, Aaron Strumpel *Please note the time change. Join us at Word Made Flesh for a special worship service led by Aaron Strumpel. Families are welcome! For admission, bring $3 or a new/gently used clothing item for inCOMMON…
November 2010
This is my first prayer letter ever. This is the first month I have served as a full time worker with Word Made Flesh Romania. If you haven’t already read about me joining in from other people’s prayer letters, I am now letting you know that I have recently become a member of this amazing…
Saying Goodbye
October 14, 2010 Dear Friends, It is hard to believe I have been at Word Made Flesh and living in Omaha for over three years! In July of 2007, I committed three years to serving the poor with Word Made Flesh in the capacity of Short Term Programs Director and Beggars Society Coordinator. The past…
Nov. '10 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear family and friends, I was walking to our local market to buy our groceries when a thought occurred to me. A couple days earlier a friend I had met with told me, “You have ADD? Wow, this is an ADD nightmare! I don’t have ADD but even I get really over-stimulated here.” So I…
Oct. ‘10 Thada Prayer Letter
Dear friends and family, Despite some of the struggles we’ve had – and we can only imagine that there will be much tougher ones ahead – sometimes it’s hard to believe that we have the privilege of doing what we do. I (Adam) recently decided to walk to work. It took about a half hour,…
The Cry Vol 16 No 2 . 1
Grace through submission “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask,…