Changes Come

April 1, 2008

Hi Friends,

This month I am starting a new year, as my birthday was in March. I think the last year of my life has brought the most dramatic changes yet! It's been a season of constant movement, in fact it seems like as soon as one thing has been consistent, that has immediately begun to change!

Change is not always easy for me, I am excited by possibilities but I need a long adjustment period for new beginnings and endings. Mother Theresa said "everything is beautiful, even when it is not easy." That is so true! Change is beautiful even when it is not easy. A consistent theme in my life is learning to adjust to change and find beauty in instability.

I wrote a reflection on intentional community for a empire.remixed; a blog that several friends host talking about faith and justice in today's world. ( It started me thinking about how true community offers open hospitality. It allows people the freedom to come and leave the community, and does not change the unconditional love that is offered. If I start depending on the community around me for stability, I am not able to offer that open hospitality. Instead I become demanding of my friends saying "I need you to do this, I need you to be that for me." My stability in the midst of a life of constant change must be from Jesus or I will not be able to find the beauty in change.

There are going to be changes for and in our community in the future. We are all on different contract cycles, and have unique vocations, so I know that there will be goodbyes and hellos to new staff members. Please pray for our community and remember us in these hello and goodbyes;

Silas and Kimberly West; our Field Directors, recently confirmed that Jedidiah, their oldest son has been diagnosed with Asberger's. They are discerning exactly what this means for them.Jesse Heirendt and Andrew Ulasich both just arrived in Nepal. Woohoo! Pray for their adjustment.Other staff members in Nepal and with Word Made Flesh around the world whose contracts are close to renewal, pray for discernment for them and unconditional loving freedom from their communities.

There are also a lot of changes happening politically and economically in Nepal right now. Nepal was officially declared a Federal Republic in December. Pray that these changes will be an opportunity for justice and peace to come.

Change gives us a chance to hope for the future and imagine new possibilities! I hope this spring you see possibilities and dreams all around you!

With Hope,