Dear friends,
Merry Christmas! Below is our Word Made Flesh Christmas letter.
We have sent the included letter out hard-copy as well as electronically. However, we only have electronic addresses for some of you. If this is you, we would love for you to drop us a reply with your physical address. Thanks!
Our Christmas letter includes updates on some of the blessed work that has happened over the last year in our communities throughout the world. There is much for which we are thankful and also much that remains needed.
As this year ends, please consider beginning or continuing to partner with us through offering a year-end tax-deductible gift to our General Fund.
Our General Fund undergirds all of Word Made Flesh’s administrative work that facilitates the ongoing good work of our communities around the world.
Gifts can come through:
- an electronic one-time donation at this link —
- electronic automated monthly donations through credit card account at this link-
- electronic automated monthly donations through checking account at this link-
- stock donations (contact our office at tel:(859) 388-4646.)
- sending a donation to our physical address — P.O. Box 70, Wilmore, KY 40390
We are entering into 2017 with full hearts and our eyes on Jesus — the author and finisher of our faith.
We look forward to continuing our ministry work among people who are in some of the world’s most vulnerable and oppressive situations.
We rejoice in your partnership with us in this ministry.
In advance, thank you for your prayers and your gifts.
Once again, Merry Christmas!
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