Christmas Prayers


December 2006

Dear Friends,

I usually write a fairly long letter just before Christmas.  This year I'm going to keep it short.  The due date for this letter is hitting at a time when I am feeling ridiculously busy and tired.  But that isn't to say I'm not looking forward to the season.  I am.  Christmas in Galati is an amazing time.

This next month will be full of practicing Christmas carols with the kids and then later getting to hear little voices singing all over the center at any given moment, from the front gate to the showers and everywhere in between.  Much time will be spent preparing gifts (one box for each child filled with clothing, toys, and school supplies) and making plans for parties and pageants.

As has become our tradition, our plan is to again go caroling with the children on the evenings of December 23rd and on Christmas Eve.  We will visit the families of all the children as well as many friends and supporters around Galati.  On Christmas Night we will all gather at the center, staff and children alike, for an all-night celebration.  We'll read the Christmas story, play games, eat an amazing dinner, and open presents.  Then we'll stay up the whole night watching movies together.  Well, a few of us will stay up.  Most of the kids usually fall asleep before the end of the first movie.

Please keep us in your prayers this Christmas.  I'm praying that Jesus will give each of the kids a special gift this year, just from Him.  I have no idea what that might look like, but that's what I'm praying.  I'm also praying that the kids will fall deeper and deeper in love with Him, the One we are celebrating this holiday.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for your friendship.  I pray that you all have a very, Merry Christmas.  And may Jesus give you a gift this year, just from Him…
