December 2004 Prayer Letter


December 1, 2004


To All the People We Love So Much,


This last letter from 2004 goes out to each of you as a note of thanks for you making this such an amazing year.


As many of you know, in 2003 Phileena and I spent 8+ months OUT of Omaha, this year we did our best to try and spent 8 months IN Omaha.  It has been exactly what we've needed to allow God to fill our hearts with a renewed sense of vision and passion for His call on our lives to give ourselves among the poor.


As we've reflected back on this year, we are once again humbled by the way you all have loved, encouraged, enabled, and supported us along the way.  Every year we're more and more blessed by how your sacrifices and gifts open doors for us to follow God into the world as Phileena and I live on missionary support.  It's hard to believe that for over 10 years God gifts through you have helped us realize our calling.  Thank you.  Thank you so much for all you've done.  We're more grateful than we can express.


Recently we were back in Chennai, South India where I used to live.  I was pretty reflective while I was there and have continued to be since.


It was a little more than 10 years ago when I first moved to India.  As I considered how much the lives of our friends there have changed, as well as how much the children in the homes have grown up, it brought up a lot of emotion in my heart and mind about the organic nature of how the Kingdom of God breaks into our lives and transforms them.


It really seemed like Chennai was a completely different city to me, more this last time than ever.  On one hand, I missed how things were and the way things used to be.  On the other hand, I couldn't be happier to see how everyone there seems to be doing so great and living the kinds of lives they used to only dream of.


As I've reflected on all this, I feel like Chennai is a city that has been transformed and I really believe that all of us WMF people who have been there and loved these friends and prayed for them and given to them have helped make Chennai a different place.  I also believe that all of you who have prayed and sacrificed, making it possible to invest our lives in this city, have also brought about the Kingdom.  It gives me hope for the other cities of the world that we are invested in but seem to have needs bigger than our dreams.


It's been 10 years of sacrifice, but more than ever I feel like our collective efforts of serving Christ in Chennai are bearing fruit and that gives me hope for the world.


Now as we look into the future, we wanted to let you know that we anticipate 2005 will be another year marked by international travel as we continue to serve WMF in administrative and pastoral capacities.  Much of January and February will be spent in Brazil and Bolivia with our WMF communities there.  We could use your prayers as we pick the pace up again in the very near future.  We could also use your continued support as we still need a little more support to cover our tickets to South America.


We also wanted to let you know that we're blogging (a blog is basically an on-line web journal).  I'm old school so blogging was a little intimidating to me, but I think we've figured it out and will periodically update it with our current itineraries, photos from our travels, and reflections that we'd like to share.  You can check out our blog at:


Finally, we wanted to send you a picture from our recent visit to India.  It's me in Samanthana Illam (the children's home for physically and mentally disabled children) with Sheelah.  WMF took Sheelah in several years ago when she was just a baby.  Unable to speak and diagnosed with a severe form of autism, she's one of the princesses we've given our lives to over the years.  Pray for her if/when she comes to mind.  Though she's in a caring home surrounding by a loving family, she still suffers.


 We're blessed to have friends and family like you all.  Thank you for everything and may God richly bless you for your sacrifices.


Trying to take it slow, keep it simple, and bless God,




Chris for Phileena Heuertz