Dear friend and family, Merry Christmas! Although it's probably not actually Christmas day as you read this, we wanted to take the opportunity in this letter to wish you a holiday season full of hope and newness. May each of you sense and celebrate the beautiful truth of Emmanuel, God with us. Just recently I had been in a funk for a little while. I was not really feeling myself. I felt tired and without much joy. Certain things that had happened had worn me down. A couple of negative interactions with police while spending time with the youth on the street, frustrations while going through the process of getting our ID cards. At other times feeling that I was not being the best father I could be. I was feeling generally down. Just a few days ago I was walking in the rain to pick up Cora from school. As I listened and felt the rainfall, I sensed some of the heaviness lift from my soul. It seemed as though in a very real yet mysterious way, the rain was cleansing and refreshing my soul and my heart. What is even more beautiful is that soon after I found out that the WMF Omaha office staff had been praying for our family at nearly the same moment as I felt the rain falling on my umbrella. I share this with you because I want to thank you for all the times you have prayed for our family. When you have interceded for us after feeling nudged by the Spirit to pray. Your prayers are powerful because we have a Father who is gracious and compassionate! In other news, my parents arrived in early November and will be visiting Argentina for two months. We thank God that this holiday season will be spent together with them. Also, the bible study at our home continues and a young couple that live on the street have come several times. Our prayers for them are that they would hear God speaking to each individually through the Scriptures and showing his love through friends. You bless us with your love and presence. May God bless you and give you peace as you daily walk with Him. Please take some time to pray into/over the following. – Two young adults have taken important steps in leaving a life on the street. This young couple do odd-and ends jobs to earn money. The young man has an opportunity to get a factory job. Please pray for a job opening for our friend. It would really encourage both of them. – Two boys have become entangled in the use of a very addictive drug. It breaks my heart especially because they are so young. Please, please pray that God's power through your prayers would set them free to live the abundant life God has for them. – A young mother is due to deliver her first baby at the end of December. Pray for a safe and healthy last trimester and delivery. This young lady and her boyfriend are the friends I mentioned above who has been coming to the bible study. – Health and strength for Adriana and our baby in this last trimester of pregnancy. – Continued growth, protection and health for Cora. Peace, Walter