december 2011

Dear Friends and Family,

When I last wrote, I told you that in September we were struggling with unseasonal heat. We then experienced unseasonal cold in October while awaiting the government to turn on the heat in our apartment (a leftover from communism), office and space at the school. I’m happy to announce we now have heat in all three places! It’s quite cold outside, but snuggly warm inside our home and we’re grateful. I hope the holidays have been warm and friendly for you and yours. I hope the coming Christmas season would be full of joy, peace, light and hope. That we would all acknowledge the birth of Jesus in a way that honors him and invite the poor, naked and hungry into our celebrations this year as we celebrate thankfulness to God for all of the things in our life. We are blessed.

I also wrote that we would be coming home in the spring…  We’ve had a change of plans, to the joy of our families and friends.  We have decided to fly to Columbus for Christmas. We feel that leaving over the winter holiday is less disruptive for our team and the children than leaving in the middle of the spring semester. Also, we have a nephew to meet. He will be born mid-January, and by coming home for Christmas, we will be able to stay until he arrives. Also, if I choose to go on staff in the spring, I am not required to fly back to the States for the interviewing and hiring process. They are able to do interviews via Skype, and I will be able to attend the subsequent training session at a later date.

While excitement fills our hearts we both know that, especially for me, this will be a difficult transition to make. After studying cultural adjustment a bit in preparation for life here, I have come to understand how great REVERSE culture shock is upon arrival back in one’s home culture. Pray that I would weather these emotions well and not be overwhelmed.  We also ask for your prayers for us to live presently here until we leave and pray to be present in Columbus while we soak up our families and friends.

Like I stated in my October letter, this trip home will be to be with family and friends and we do not think we will travel much at all, except for a visit to welcome our nephew into the world. We really want to make time to rest and relax after this crazy year. We also want to make time for you, our supporters, who have sent us and made it possible for us to make our life here. We are in need of emotional and financial support from you and look forward to this opportunity to spend time with you. We arrive in Columbus on December 20th and will spend the following two weeks with family. However, we would like to meet with anyone who is interested during the weeks of January 9th and 16th for coffee or a meal, as we will be working remotely at that time.  Please contact us by email if you are interested. And for those of you in the Columbus area, we will also likely plan a gathering, so keep your eyes open for an invitation in the mail.

Now for some personal updates. John and I painted our walls green and have had a few prints, lovingly made by friends, framed and hung on our walls. We’re continuing to feel more settled and are grateful we have a space to call home with happy green walls. I am continuing with Romanian lessons, reading formation materials and joining in on book study discussions with another intern we have been hosting for the past couple of months.

As for the kids, we are continuing to settle into our routine with them, making changes and adjustments as we see the need, which is often! I am working regularly with the 4th and 6th grade classes. Our most consistent children are a group of 12 boys who could be described as cute, sweet, and of course, ornery. Beginning friendships with them is life-giving and helping me to experience fulfillment of my vocation and calling. John is consistently working with one boy whom he helps with basic reading and math skills and spends afternoons with him outside of the school or creating projects that they complete together. These relationships we are building with the kids make being away from our families, struggling with cross-cultural living, and typical workplace busyness more sustainable. We are also visiting the children who remain at the boarding school on the weekends, while other children go home to a parent, guardian or other family member. These children are either without parents or do not have someone who is currently capable of caring for them on the weekends. We have utilized this opportunity to deepen relationships and be present to these children in a time of deep need.

Also, please note that we have begun sending these update letters via email a couple of weeks before you receive this in the mail. If you are interested in receiving this by email as well, please contact John at:  We find value in utilizing the USPS, as does our organization, and know some of you prefer paper updates.  We just want you to know that an email format is available to you as well. It contains pictures, web links and more ways of connecting with us and staying involved.

With love,

Rachel & John