December 2011 Prayer letter

Merry Christmas Everyone!

As I prepare for my first snow-filled Christmas in Omaha I am missing your friendships and support more with each passing day.  Some of you blessed my life on a daily basis and some I saw far too rarely over the years but I find myself reflecting on all these precious relationships, particularly since I am alone and far from home for the holidays.
I cannot begin to tell you what a gift many of you have been to me in these first few months in Omaha.  I have a board by my desk that I have dubbed my “Wall of Epic Encouragement”.  It is covered with the letters, pictures, postcards and gifts that you have sent me. Each of these a daily reminder of the people I have who are cheering me on across the country… even the world!  I should note: There is room on the wall for some special additions ~_*

My new position at Word Made Flesh comes with unique pressures and at times what feels like an insurmountable learning curve.  I feel the weight of my personal desire to succeed as well as the weight of the task I have been entrusted with, creating a platform through which WMF can be a voice for the thousands of people we serve in 11 countries.  During this holiday season I am being given timely reminders of God’s sovereignty.  The miracle of technology has allowed me to stay connected with several of you and made it possible for you to continue speaking wisdom into my life.  When that isn’t enough, I am fortunate to have co-workers who remind me what it is to honor my feelings and remain connected to the Lord.  Today, I had a co-worker pray over me and he spoke these words, “Sing over her. Delight over her. Call her to a new place.”  There may be a learning curve and there may be moments of loneliness but none of that is truly insurmountable.  Not when I have the love of people such as yourself or the knowledge that I am where God wants me to be in this time.

So this Christmas I am reflecting on the gift of community- community with my God, community with co-workers, and community with each of you (no matter how far apart we are).

This letter may not reach you until after the holidays so I pray your days are filled with joy, family, and laughter.  Please find time between unwrapping gifts and singing carols to say a prayer for me and for my work at Word Made Flesh.  Also, please note the pledge card you received in my last letter and consider blessing me by becoming a monthly supporter.  To date, I have had only one committed monthly supporter. I may miss you dearly but I’m not ready to come home just yet and to accomplish the work God has set before me I must raise $40,000.

Thank you for the Christmas gift of your prayer and financial support.




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