December 2012

Dear Friends and Family,

It’s mid-November and we’re enjoying a lovely fall full of green vegetables, bright orange pumpkins and more honey than we could ever ask for. We’ve enjoyed going for walks through the city, checking out an organic farmer’s market that has recently opened and visiting a beautiful park that the city has spent the last few years restoring. As you read this letter, Thanksgiving will have passed, but we have a lot to be thankful for and want to share with you our gratitude.

We are thankful for…

  • The 60 children with whom we have relationships at the school, even if they do not come to our program daily.
  • The relationship Rachel has built with one girl, D. This relationship is growing and maturing, and we’re so thankful that she is in our lives.
  • The way our children love and take care of the animals outside of the school.
  • Delia Gabriela Ciobanu, Adriana’s daughter, who was born on November 13, weighing a healthy 3.6 kg (7 lb 14 oz).
  • We’re grateful for John’s more flexible schedule in his work at the school and how it is helping him focus on developing our external relations program.
  • Rachel is enjoying mending the clothes that the children bring her and fulfilling a need that they have with much joy and love.
  • Although the children enrolled in the sewing program have attended inconsistently up until now, Rachel is grateful to have begun working with some of the younger, more consistent program participants, including a few of John’s boys.
  • As most of you know, we’re really thankful for our kitten, Simon. He had quite a few issues when we found him, but Rachel is enjoying taking care of him.
  • We are also thankful that we are able to fly back to the States to spend Christmas with our families and celebrate our nephew Caleb’s first birthday.
  • We are thankful for you, our supporters, who have faith in us, invest in us and care for us as we seek to love these children and be present to them. Thank you.

In addition, we would like to share with you our personal financial need for the year of 2013 of $30,000. As we have mentioned before, we are responsible for raising 100% of our financial need each year. This money will cover our salary, health insurance, living permit expenses, travel expenses, state-side administration expenses, staff development and medical deductibles. We are happy to provide you with a more detailed breakdown upon request. Please email John at for that information.

We have included an automated monthly deduction form if you are interested in giving by automated monthly deduction from your checking account. Fill out the form and return it to the WMF office in Omaha in the provided envelope. For monthly or one-time donations, be sure to designate “John & Rachel Koon” under “Staff Support.” For information on how to give online, see

We recognize that we are not able to remain present here in Moldova among these precious children without your prayers, encouragement and financial support. Thank you for your partnership with us in this work, and we look forward to continuing to partner with you through 2013.

Finally, for those of you in Ohio, be on the lookout for an invitation in the mail to a gathering we will have in Columbus, likely taking place in the first weekend in January.

With much love and deep gratitude,

Rachel & John