December Prayer Letter

December 2010


Merry Christmas!


I cannot say how excited I am to be wishing you all a Merry Christmas! I’m actually writing this on November 15th. The first snow fell three days ago (which is good news for me since I guessed that it would snow before the 15th and my sister Heidi and brother-in-law Tom are making me dinner because I was right!), the evergreens are out for sale at the neighborhood nursery, my sister Holly has nearly all of her decorations up and the lights have been strung across the trees in Omaha. Beautiful! I’ll say it again, Merry Christmas!


It is a perfect time to think of what makes us “merry” while also acknowledging that things of this world threaten to keep us from being merry. So, I have done this little exercise to help me reflect. I took just a couple of minutes and made a list of what I want this Christmas and then took another two minutes and made a second list of what might keep me from what I want. I encourage you to make your own lists!


First, think about what you want this Christmas. I’m not just talking about the things you might have on a wish list although your wish list does include what you want. I’m talking about what you really want to get, find, give, experience, etc. this Christmastime. What are your intentions for this season? I want to…
Smell the tree. Sing Christmas hymns. Remember why Jesus came. Guess the contents of the gifts. Have quality time with my family. Pick out a tree with Mandy. Eat handfuls of Peppernut Cookies. Give more than I get. Say thanks. Light the cinnamon scented candles. Look at Christmas decorations. Celebrate how much I am loved. Be patient and loving with others.


Second, think about what might keep you from what you want this Christmas. The thoughts that might keep me from what I want…
Gifts require money. It’s too cold. There isn’t enough time. I’ve got to give the best gift. So many people are without. I can’t do everything. Why is life so difficult at times? Things won’t go as planned. I’ll forget what Christmas is about. I mistreat people. I won’t be grateful. I am selfish.


Now I’ve got my two lists (if given more time, they would be much longer I’m sure); I know what I want and I know what I’m up against. If I go back to my first list, I can pick out my greatest want or intention. “Be patient and loving with others”. Love is what I want to remember and be all about this Christmas. Love no matter what threatens to stop me. I want to love!


In the words of the Commodores, “Jesus is love. He won’t let you down. And I know He’s mine. Deep down in my soul.” So love! And Merry Christmas!

