
December 2007

Dear praying friends,

I can hardly believe the end of the year is in sight.  But it's true.  And with the New Year come new challenges, joys, sorrows and a journey with many unknowns along the way.

Although Christmas is supposed to be a season of joy, for many it is often a time of sadness. And I'm finding that true for myself this year.  My heart is burdened with grief over the imminent departure of my dear friends the McAvaddys (Ron, Audra, Gavin, Avery and newborn Kira).  For Ron and Audra, having a newborn has brought many frustrations and struggles to the surface, and as they look at the future, they have decided to return to the States for the well-being of their whole family.  It's hard to describe the impact they have had on my life, but I'm sure that much of how I've grown in the past two years has been deeply influenced by their example of simplicity, love and care for others.  Please pray for them as they make this transition, and for the rest of us here as we grieve their departure. 

My spiritual retreat (October 26-28) was a turning point for me this year.  Thank you for keeping me in prayer during those three days.  It was a battle to quiet myself and be faced with myself all by myself.  It was scary and frustrating, but also worth the struggle because Jesus brought a new light into some dark corners of my heart, cleaned up a mess, forgave me, drew me to my feet and filled me with joy in His gentle, loving presence.  Since then, I have become more disciplined in carving out focused time daily to sit in His presence.  Pray that I will continue in these spiritual disciplines that are vital in this journey of growing closer to Him and becoming more like Him. 

May you be blessed this Christmas season.  Even if the jingling bells bring you no joy, remember that God is very close to the broken-hearted.  He is present.  He is living.  He is Emmanuel, God with us.  Do not lose hope.

In Christ,

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