Fast Day Prayer: Galati, Romania

This morning we video-conferenced with our staff members in Galati, Romania. As we circled around one of our computers, they circled around there’s; all bundled up wearing scarves, jackets and hats – it is snowy and cold there. Today’s fast day prayer will be focused on their prayer needs. We, here in the office, will be in prayer for the staff in Romania and then share in a simple meal of lentil soup at 12 CST. Please join us in prayer for our friends.

For the children, that You would continue working in the kids’ lives

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the children, that they would consistently come to the center and that whatever keeps them from attending would be released from them.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the children as they make transitions in school.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the brother and sister who lost their father a couple months again and their mother last summer. Now their Grandma, their primary caregiver, is also sick.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the family with three brothers whom have been abandoned. Give them protection and support and show them Your love.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the staff, give them wisdom on how to be present and near to the children.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the foundation, that they would be able to find an authorized social worker to provide services at the center. Bring to them someone who is in line with their vision.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For Lenuta and April who have been directing a play center with the kids for a month and a half. Direct the ladies and give the guidance while they work with the children.

Lord, hear our prayer.


For the vacation time the staff will receive at the end of the year. Grant them well-needed rest and bring them back to work with renewed vision and energy.

Lord, hear our prayer.




For more updates from Romania, please go to: