Fast Day Prayer: Lima, Peru

This morning we video-conferenced with our staff members in Peru. They just finished their morning worship, and it made for a lovely morning chat. Today’s fast day prayer will be focused on their prayer needs. Our office will pray for our staff and then share in a simple meal of rice and potatoes at 12 CST. Please join us in prayer for our friends.

For our staff as they celebrate the upcoming holidays with our friend.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For staff as they make preparations for the various holiday parties they are hosting for our friends who are on the street or nearly on the street.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the Peru board members who are meeting next week. Give them direction, confidence and inspiration as they work together on the year-end deadlines and projects.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the ongoing work on the ministry center. And for the new life that it represents in the green grass in the back and in the safe haven it will provide for our friends.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For staff who are discerning their service in Peru.  Give them guidance, encouragement and strengthened faith as they consider the next step in their journey with WMF.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For our staff member who is currently in the States receiving treatment for health. Give the doctors guidance. Give the staff member courage. And give the WMF Peru staff comfort as they pray and support their friend from afar.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the sustaining of the long-distance love of our staff members who are currently apart. Give our staff member favor as he waits for the proper documentation to visit his beloved.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For the recent nuptials of staff members. We celebrate and give thanks for the sacrament of marriage.
Lord, hear our prayer.
