Fast Day Prayer ~ November 1

The Examen of Consciousness
A Prayer to God

God, thank you.
I thank you, God, for always being with me, but
especially, I am grateful that you are with me
right now.

God, send your Holy Spirit upon me.
God, let the Holy Spirit enlighten my mind and
warm my heart that I may know where and
how we have been together this day.

God, let me look at my day.
God, where have a felt your presence, seen your face,
heard your word this day?
God , where have I ignored you, run from you,
perhaps even rejected you this day?

God, let me be grateful and ask forgiveness.
God, I thank you for the times this day we have been
together and worked together.
God, I am sorry for the ways I have offended you
by what I have done or what I did not do.

God, stay close.
God, I ask that you draw me ever closer to you this
day and tomorrow.
God, you are the God of my life – thank you.

This prayer was taken from What Is Ignatian Spirituality by David L. Fleming, SJ. (Loyola Press, 2008)