Feb '10 Thada Prayer Letter

Dear friends and family,

Our last couple of weeks in the States was busy with packing, Christmas gatherings, and final logistics. We weren’t able to touch base with everyone we wanted to, but we certainly felt supported from your calls, emails and notes of encouragement. Thankfully, logistics went smoothly, and we arrived safely. During our visit to El Alto (6 days), it was wonderful to meet new staff and reunite with staff we met last year. We are excited as we think about the possibilities of how we can be helpful to the ministry there. It is an exciting time to join in, especially with the commencement (soon) of their new business (Suti Sana), which will employ some of the women.

On our fourth day in El Alto (before leaving for language school) we experienced a severe hail storm. This is the rainy season in Bolivia, but I didn’t think about hail! We hid under an awning of a nearby tienda, making small talk with the owner while we waited for it to let up some in order to dash back to the house of a staff member who was hosting us. We had the privilege of seeing the streets turn into rivers and the white hail turn into a red-brown as it melted in the dirt. How quickly are a man’s plans thwarted! This was a first experience in the adaptability and flexibility needed to live the day-to-day here.

At language school here in Cochabamba, we will have 4 classes per day, 45 minutes each, covering both language and culture of Bolivia. Our class sizes are only 2-3 people and Adam and I are not in the same classes (which is probably for the best!). Our host parents are Martha and Rene. This is the same family that our directors here in Bolivia had during their time at language school years ago. We are thankful for our foundation in Spanish that has helped us get around and start to build relationships, but we are looking forward to soaking it all in and becoming fluent (or close).

Please pray:

*For the decision-making process of deciding where we will live in El Alto (though we’re in Cochabamba, our goal is to find a place in El Alto by the time we’re done here).

*That God would provide friendships and support for us while we are hours away from our Word Made Flesh community in El Alto.

*For protection over our marriage through this time of transition and stress.

*That we would be a blessing to (and be blessed by) our language school host family in Cochabamba.

God’s peace be with you,
– Becky (and Adam) Thada