February 2003 Prayer Letter


Dear Beloved Friends and Family,

Happy New Year! May this year be full of revelations of God and His goodness. Chris and I are doing well.

In November we enjoyed visiting the WMF staff in Bangkok for the first time. They are studying language and trying to get accustomed to the culture. We also met some Australian missionaries from Urban Neighbors of Hope living and working in one of the largest slums in the city. They were extremely encouraging. We visited one of the most notorious red light districts in Bangkok and our hearts broke for the girls and women in bondage there. WMF staff are praying about what their response might be to girls sold into this depraved industry.

In Chennai, India it was great to be with our Muslim friends again- a humble family with three sons striving for a better way of life. We stayed with them while we were in the city. They are like family, but it breaks our hearts that they're so blinded from the Truth. We've been sharing the Gospel with them for nearly 8 years. Much prayer and intercession is needed for them.

We had some very memorable times with the kids in the children's home. They cried so hard the day we left. We've really bonded with them over the years. Now that they're understanding and speaking English, we're able to go deeper with them in communication. So, we grow really close during our visits. Now that they're older, they know what it means when we leave and they want to know exactly when to expect us again.

Kolkata was phenomenal. I was bracing myself for Kolkata. That city usually rocks me in a bad way. But we were amazingly refreshed by the presence of Jesus in the WMF community there. We visited one of the largest red light districts in the city where the staff have been building relationships with girls enslaved in the sex trade. We met young girls from all over India and Nepal. We were so encouraged to see the Kingdom of God invading such a place of darkness- a place that we've been burdened for for years. The trafficking of women and children for the purpose of sexual slavery is one of the most appalling realities in the world today. This sin that has thrived in the darkness must be penetrated by the Light. I feel in my heart that the time is now. God is moving in the world to bring liberty to these captives, to set the oppressed free, and bring justice. The complex needs of these women and children around the world necessitates an intense ministry. We're praying that the power of God will sustain our staff and their efforts.

Kathmandu was encouraging as well. There is so much happening with WMF Nepal. A young Nepali couple has opened their home to orphans; Ben (WMF USA missionary) is running a drop-in center for street kids; and another young Nepali couple is beautifully ministering to elderly abandoned women whom they've taken in. Incredible! The fruit of Silas and Kimberly West's (long-term WMF USA missionaries) lives- their obedience and sacrifice is seen in all of these ministries. We were blessed to be with everyone there.

January took us to El Salvador for a WMF Bi-annual Director's Forum. We spent 10 days with the field directors and representatives from Kolkata, Kathmandu, Bangkok, Galati, Lima, La Paz, Rio de Janeiro, Freetown, and Havana. We met to discuss the role of the Church in mission and mission in the Church, as well as working toward a greater sense of continuity and solidarity among the international fields of WMF.

At the end of January we visited Anderson University in Indiana to share with the students during “Impact Your World Week”. We also had the enjoyment of visiting family.

While we were in El Salvador, Chris received a fax from the office of the US Secretary of State requesting his participation in an international conference, “Pathbreaking Strategies in the Global Fight Against Sex Trafficking.” The conference will be in Washington, DC from February 23-26. Please pray for Chris as he represents WMF and the ministries we are involved in as we work against the commerical sex industry on many of our fields.

Inclosed you will find a photo of Chris with some of the children in Nepal along with our tentative itinerary for 2003. Some of the dates have yet to be finalized, but this will give you an idea of what our year will look like.

Thank you for all the ways you enable us to follow Christ in His minsitry among the poor of the world. We are forever grateful for your prayers and support.

Love to you,


Chris and Phileena's 2003 Itinerary

Jan 10-18 El Salvador: WMF Bi-annual Director's Forum
Jan 27- Feb 2 Anderson University: “Impact Your World Week”
Indianapolis, IN: Family visit
Feb 23-26 Washington DC: International Conference, “Pathbreaking Strategies in the Global Fight Against Sex Trafficking.”
March Cuba, Bolivia, Peru: Field visit
April 3-6 WMF Board Meetings
April/May Brazil: Field Visit and Discovery Team
June 5-8 Tampa, Florida: Chris' brother's wedding
July Freetown, Sierra Leone: Field visit and Discovery Team
August Romania: Field visit
October 2-5 WMF Board Meetings
December India Nepal, Thailand: Field visit