February 2004

Dear Friends,

It’s been quite some time since we’ve written through “snail-mail.”  E-mail is such an easy way to keep up with many of you.  But we understand that some of you miss hearing from us in a more tangible way, so we’ll try and highlight a bit of our lives and ministry in Bolivia.  (If you’d like to be included in our e-mail updates, please write us at: andy.baker@wordmadeflesh.com).

Violent Protests in Bolivia

October was a turbulent time in Bolivia.  Basically, a class war over the sale of Bolivia’s natural gas to the U.S. and Mexico led to nationwide blockades, riots and protests.  In an attempt to regain control, the government militarized El Alto and eventually began open fire on unarmed, campesinos.  Our friend, Marleni, told us of a bullet entering her house through the roof, fired from helicopters above, while she was at home alone with her children.  In the end, President Gonzalo Sanchez resigned from office, and Vice President Carlos Mesa, stepped in.  Since then, Bolivia has returned to normal, though not forgetting the nearly 100 lives lost in the Gas War.  Our family, staff and Servant Team waited out the chaos safely in a small jungle town.

Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.  Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor…” (Zech. 7:9-10).  That is our prayer for the future of Bolivia.

La Casa de Esperanza, the House of Hope

Also in October, we officially opened La Casa de Esperanza, an empowerment center for sexually exploited women! With this building, we hope to continue building relationships, while offering opportunities for full transformation and transition into society.  Currently we serve lunch twice a week to an average of about 20 women and their families.  It’s our opportunity to offer love, respect and hospitality, as well as share the Gospel in a more intimate environment.  Soon we hope to also offer small groups, Bible studies/discipleship, sports tournaments and a few practical workshops.  It has been so exciting to watch the Lord continually surprise us.  The House of Hope is becoming a place of respite and refuge for these dear ladies.

Christmas celebrations

In December we celebrated Christmas in the Center with nearly 200 women and children.  I (Andrea) was brought to tears a number of times, overwhelmed by the beauty of it all.  The place was so full of joy and love that day – it was such an example of His Kingdom on Earth!  We also had many friends come to help make the day special for the ladies, and that too was beautiful to see.

The Bolivia field is growing

O.K., maybe that headline is a little misleading – no, Baker #2 is not on its way yet.  However, we are welcoming quite a few new faces to the field.  In November, Mark Menjivar, returned to Bolivia after being approved as the new Bolivia Servant Team Coordinator.  His fiancé, Rachel, will be joining us in July, after the wedding.  Also, several former Servant Team members have expressed an interest in returning, which could potentially double or triple our current staff.  A number of Bolivians are hopping on board with us as well, including Flora Garcia, our cook at the center, her daughter, Elizabeth, who functions as the Center’s volunteer director and Rafael, a young man, hungry to know the Lord.  Please pray that our growing community would be an example of unity and love to all those around.

Future Plans

We are excited about our newest roles as Field Directors, which allows us much more freedom to concentrate on our ministry with the women who prostitute.  We hope to take on more of a pastoral/advocacy role this year, as we build up the Center and a Bolivian community to join us.

In March, we plan to visit the Word Made Flesh community in Romania, to learn from their example.  And then in May-July, we will be traveling all around the States, hoping to catch up with many of you.  We will potentially be in FL, GA, NC, KY, OH, PA, TX and CA.  We would love to see you!!  So if you are interested in meeting up, or having us share in your church, please let us know.


The Fall of 2003 proved to be some of the busiest months in Bolivia so far.  We struggled to balance our ministry on the streets, with parenthood and a Servant Team.  But in the end, we were grateful for it all.  We closed the year with a family vacation to the Chilean beach.  It was a much needed rest, but quite a change with a baby!

Elias completed his 1st year with us this past November.  We celebrated with Sponge Bob Square Pants, a few neighborhood kids, cake and ice-cream.  We enjoy him so much!  He’s just now beginning to walk and is so proud of himself!  Sometimes we catch him applauding for himself, even when no one is around!  He’s an outgoing, active little kid, who loves people and music.  He makes us laugh all the time!

So that is a long overdue update of our lives over the past couple of months.  Again we must apologize for not being better communicators with you – but rest assured, that is on our list of resolutions for the year!  We love and appreciate you all so much!

Grace and peace to you,

Andy, Andrea and Elias