Forcatto June 2009 Prayer Letter

June 1, 2009


Dear family and friends,

We want to first apologize for not sending out a prayer letter the last couple of months.  It has been our desire to write a prayer letter once a month to keep you informed of what God is doing in our lives and to ask for prayer.

As you may have noticed, Word Made Flesh has adopted a new logo!  The letterhead you hold is reflective of our new visual identity, launched earlier this year.  While the old logo served the mission well since 1995, WMF believed it was time to incorporate an image that is more reflective of the activity, movement and warmth of WMF.  To read more about the new logo please see the latest Spring edition of the The Cry.

It was great to see many of you during our brief but wonderful time in California.  A few of the highlights were: our reception at the Travis and Karin Greene’s house, sharing about our work at Grace Community Church of Seal Beach and at Adriana’s parents church, Adriana traveling to Nepal with our Argentine partner Lorena for the WMF Field Forum, Walter taking Cora on a date to see the movie “Coraline”, having dinner with close friends and watching our daughters Cora and Amani play with their grandparents.

Life has been fun and busy since our return to Buenos Aires.  Cora started first grade the beginning of March and has really adjusted well to a new school, teacher and classmates.  She has already made a very close friend and for this we are thankful.  Thank you all who prayed for this important transition in her life and ours too!  As for our little Amani, she continues to amaze us with how much she is talking in both English and Spanish and she’s not even 2 ½.  We laugh when she confuses the words “today” and “tomorrow” and says for example, “I want to read this book tomorrow!” when it’s time for a bedtime book.  Adriana is very involved in the faith community we attend.  On Saturday’s she helps coordinate a children’s “movie theater” for the kids in the community and from the church and is also one of the children’s Sunday school teachers.  Walter is part of the adults Sunday school teacher rotation and is currently co-teaching a series on “Christian Spirituality and Servant Leadership”.

The WMF community here has begun to research the process for registering the mission as an Argentine association.  Our friend Lorena (who attended the Field Forum) has been very helpful in providing initiative and are grateful for her participation.  We recently had a meeting with a friend who experience in forming and argentine association and she gave us some very useful and helpful information and contacts.  As you can imagine, this is a very involved process and we’d ask for your prayers.  Specifically you can pray that we make the right contact with professionals who can correctly counsel and guide us.  Pray that God would give wisdom in forming a local board of directors as well as having wisdom and insight when the time comes to draft the necessary bylaws and goals of the ministry.

We pray God’s blessings upon each of you and give thanks to God for your presence, encouragement, love and friendship in our lives.


Walter and Adriana