Get Involved

You can make a difference

Explore various ways to get involved and experience unique volunteer programs that offer direct impact, allowing you to learn alongside our friends around the world. Join our passionate community of advocates who are committed to bringing hope, love, and tangible support to those in need.


US Internships

If you live in the greater Lexington, Kentucky area and want to work in our office in Wilmore, or you have a skill you think you could intern with remotely, let us know!

WMF Romania Discovery Team 2024 – 18

International Internships

International Internships are offered by WMF fields who want to invite a short-term volunteer for a specific purpose or timeframe.

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Full-time Positions

Word Made Flesh staff are committed to living and serving among vulnerable communities, infusing hope and amplifying voices that often go unheard.


Discovery Teams

Discovery Teams are 2-5 week international trips that allow you to experience a Word Made Flesh community in person.

WMF Romania Discovery Team 2024 – 12

Servant Teams

Servant Teams are 2 to 4-month formation opportunities, which are offered in established WMF countries of service.

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Study Abroad

Join Word Made Flesh Romania for a new kind of study abroad experience! Be transformed as you are a part of transforming the lives of others.

Join Word Made Flesh in serving Jesus among those experiencing vulnerability around the world

Together, through friendship, development and advocacy, we share hope.

"The most impactful part of the internship was when we went to the brothels and saw first hand what happened there. We got to encourage the women and invite them to the center to grow in their skills and gain freedom from this type of work. It was really sad to see the environment that these women have to endure but it made the reality of their situation so much more real for me. It increased my drive to help them and get them out of this type of situation. It is one thing to know what the conditions are and it is another thing to see it first-hand. Overall, this experience has grown me spiritually in so many ways. One thing that really stood out to me through this experience was the sovereignty of God. I could see His hand all over my trip and it was so cool to see how He provided for me and the people in Bolivia. It was amazing how God meets people where they are, no matter the culture, language, or understanding of Him."


Bolivia Internship Spring 2023

"The Navajo Discovery Trip was an amazing opportunity to explore the Navajo Nation while gaining knowledge and fostering a relationship with our Word Made Flesh partners there. It is incredible to be able to see students gain a better understanding of Christ and see the vastness of His creativity through seeing the beauty of the land and learning about the history and Navajo culture that goes along with it.” 

Kelly Rohr

Navajo Nation Discovery Trip 2023

"Going into this trip, I had no idea how life changing this experience would be. During our time working with the Word Made Flesh staff, I was deeply moved by the faith and commitment that these beautiful people have put into creating a safe place for the kids in these neighborhoods. Hearing their stories has given me a better understanding of what I want to do with my future as a follower of Christ. I’m ready to find my next steps to help serve people that God calls us to love."


Romania Discovery Team 2024

“I had the privilege of going on a summer service trip to Romania and Moldova with Word Made Flesh the May after my sophomore year. I learned countless lessons on this trip, particularly about God's graciousness and my finiteness, and much about cultural humility. I loved being in a totally different culture, especially visiting the Orthodox Christian churches. It was amazing to see the many ways that people worship God. We visited a number of monasteries while there. At each monastery, there was a cemetery. When each woman became a nun, she was given a plot in the cemetery. Each nun tended her plot in the cemetery as a garden. This was such a powerful metaphor for me, seeing these women who have wholly committed their lives to God and are cultivating beautiful flowers until they become one with the earth and meet God face-to-face. I began to picture my Christian life as that cemetery plot, recognizing my lifelong commitment to loving and serving God and continuing to grow into the woman God created me to be until I meet him. Faith is a lifelong process, not just a one-time commitment." 

Hannah Fajen

Service Trip 2017

“My time in Bolivia has vastly changed my faith from one solely focused on trying to hear God in my individual times of prayer or Bible study to one that recognizes Christ in my community. In this community I see the Church. I see a strong community of believers centered in faith working to proclaim Christ’s Kingdom. "

Tess Hartley

WMF Bolivia Intern 2022


Contact us if you have questions about these various opportunities. We'd love to walk alongside you as you discern the best way to get involved in our work.