God Will Heal our Wounds

Aaron Strumpel (Word Made Flesh Artist Ambassador) recently released “God Will Heal Our Wounds,” a song written out of Isaiah 58.

It is a beautifully prophetic song which speaks to the calling we have been given to love those around us the way God has so sacrificially loved us. May this continue to be our prayer as we seek to love our neighbors across the street and around the world.

We want to seek you in our own ways

We’ll fast and we’ll sing, we’ll give for our gain 
You’re telling us that it’s not okay 
You don’t need another song 
You don’t want our empty praise

If we stop loving on our own terms 
God will heal our wounds
God will heal our wounds 
If we stop loving on our own terms 

Grace will lead us home
Grace will lead us home

We want the blessing of the God we made
To live in the privilege, he’ll do what we say
You’re telling us there’s a different way
To seek less for ourselves, to pour out every day

Home, home, home, home
Where the fasting that you seek is breaking chains, breaking free
Home, home, home, home
Where the songs that we sing move the ground underneath
Home, home, home, home
Where the worship that you seek feeds the hungry, the ones in need
Home, home, home, home
Where love that we seek
Is growing gardens, fixing streets
Is growing bridges, planting trees
Is digging wells for all to drink
Is finding light for us to see
Is building trust between you and me
Is building strength and family

If we stop loving on our own terms
God will heal our wounds
God will heal our wounds
If we stop loving on our own terms
Grace will lead us home
Grace will lead us home