
November 15, 2010

Dear Friends,

This is the last time I will be writing to you from my desk at the Word Made Flesh Omaha office. It has been important for me to mark all the “last times” as I approach the end of my service with Word Made Flesh: last Servant Team application review (two months ago), last board meeting (last month), last coffee run (this morning), last Beggars Society meeting (later this month), and the list of finalities continues. These three years have been very formative in my life and ending things well is important to me.

So, it is with a certain level of seriousness that I focus on my gratitude for your support that has made my work with Word Made Flesh possible. And by “support” I mean the multitude of prayers on my behalf, the very practical financial gifts, and the understanding and encouragement of the mission of WMF and my role in it. I am proud of my contribution to Word Made Flesh, but not without understanding that meaningful contribution is impossible outside of the context of community. Nouwen says it like this:

Our society encourages individualism. We are constantly made to believe that everything we think, say, or do, is our personal accomplishment, deserving individual attention. But as people who belong to the communion of saints, we know that anything of spiritual value is not the result of individual accomplishment but the fruit of a communal life. -Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey

One of my friends recently remarked: you just can’t go wrong with gratitude. Viewing my last months at Word Made Flesh through the lens of gratitude creates space for the painful elements of transition, makes room for all the gifts of the past three years, and welcomes the anticipation for the next phase in my life. Out of gratitude, generosity easily flourishes. God has truly blessed me to be a part of the movement of Word Made Flesh, I have been the recipient of so much and I hope to live generously as a result. Thank you for your investment in me. The poor whom Word Made Flesh serves among have set me on a path of simplicity and love moving toward the heart of God.

Oh! And Merry Christmas. May our hearts and homes be full of joy as we anticipate the birth of our Jesus who healed the sick, freed the captives, and loved the poor.


P.S. Again, please read the reverse side of this letter for some important information on financial giving.

Word Made Flesh will automatically stop the auto-deduct from your account in March 2011 when my transition period is complete. As always, you may call the office (ask for Cesia) at any time and ask that your auto-deduct be stopped. 402.991.4949

Word Made Flesh will continue to receive checks into my support account until March 2011

Credit Card:
If you signed up online for a recurring donation, you need to stop those through your Groundspring Account. They cannot be stopped by our office.

For any other information about giving, please call the office and ask to speak with anyone in the Administration Department. 402.991.4949.