Happy New Year

October 2006

Dear Friends,

This is the second month in a row with bad news.  One week ago, as I'm writing this, Moise chose to leave the boys' home.  He had stayed in the home far longer than any other boy, almost eighteen months, and left much healthier than the other boys, as well.  Still, his leaving came as something of a surprise and, honestly, I'm still pretty sad about it.  The good news is that he went to be with his family, so he isn't back on the streets.  We are thankful for the amazing way the Lord has worked in Moise's life during his time in the home and we know the Lord is continuing to work in him.  We are continuing to pray for Moise and making sure there is still a place for him in our community.  Please stand with us in holding up Moise to his heavenly Father.

I also have a huge answer to prayer to share.  I've mentioned several times in these letters, as well as my email prayer updates, the many challenges that have been facing Eleni and Florin, a sister and brother with whom we have had relationship for many years.  Their father died several years ago and their mother has not cared for them at all.  Several months back she actually left the country to work in Spain, leaving the children to basically fend for themselves.  Well, the child protection services here in Galati were on their way to sending them into an orphanage (not at all a good option for kids in Romania) unless another solution could be found.  So we've been praying that someone, preferably someone we know, would be willing to take them into their home.

A couple weeks ago, a lady named Mrs. Chiriac came forward and said she wanted to take both Eleni and Florin into her home.  She is such an amazing answer to our prayers.  We already know her well.  She's a Christian and is involved with one of the churches to which several of our staff belong.  She has four kids of her own, but they are all grown and one of them even spends some time volunteering with us.  And while I'm sure hard days will come eventually, both Mrs. Chiriac and the kids are very much enjoying their time together during their “honeymoon” phase.  And yes, the kids are still a part of our program here each day.  Please join us in praising the Lord for Eleni and Florin's new home.  Pray that he will especially bless these first months of their time together.  Pray that every plan of the enemy against them will be stopped in the name of Jesus.

One of our staff members, Nina, will be leaving us on the first of October.  The bad news is that she's leaving.  The good news is that she's leaving for a pretty good reason.  Nina is an artist who has been working with WMF here in Galati for eight years.  In that time one of her main areas of service has been doing art and art therapy with the children at the center and with the street boys.  She's leaving to go to college in another city here in Romania, getting her degree in art.  Her plan is to return to WMF again as staff once she is finished with her schooling.  We're all excited for her.  But the kids cried when they heard she was leaving.  Actually, she's not leaving completely as she still plans to work with us during the summers for the next several years while she's in school.  Please pray for Nina as she starts school in a new city.  Pray especially that she will find relationships with other Christians in Cluj (the city where she's going) and that we will be able to stay in touch with her while she is away.  And yes, pray for the children who are going to miss her so, so much.

We also have a new intern with us for the next year.  Actually, Ana has been volunteering with us for more than two years, so she isn't really new.  However, she just graduated from high school this past spring and, as is quite common in Europe, she's taking a year off before starting college.  She has a heart for girls-at-risk and for girls living on the streets, so those are the relationships she'll be focusing on during this time.  Please pray for Ana.  Pray that this year with be one of growing closer to Jesus, that she will hear His voice consistently guiding her and encouraging her.  Pray also that she will be able to build relationships with the girls, that they will learn quickly to trust each other.

As always, I'm sure there is more to write, but I'm still feeling the effects of a long, busy summer.  As I write, the new school year starts tomorrow.  I can't wait.  In a sense, the start of the school year is the start of a new year for us.  As I was thinking recently about the beginning of this new “year,” I was taking some time to reflect on years past.  The Lord has done so much in the lives of the children, even in the short few years that I have been here.  He has done so much in me.  I'm really excited to see what He has planned for this year.

