
“…hope that is seen is no hope at all.

Who hopes for what he already has?

But if we hope for what we do not yet have,

we wait for it patiently.”

(Romans 8:25)

Dear friend,

Thanks for your prayers during our staff retreat to the mountains of Romania in April. It was a special time for me. I came away with was a sense of hope that gave me courage to come back to Galati with eyes of faith to see God at work.

A few words written in my journal during one of our mornings of solitude in the mountains:

Hope is a wanting, a longing, a desiring of that which we do not yet have but will certainly one day receive. Hope is believing God's promise. Hope is trusting God. Hope is refusing to give in to doubt and despair. Hope is life-giving. Hope points to God. Hope keeps us going. Hope revives the soul. Hope laughs at deception. Hope sees straight through lies and offers healing redemption. Hope is an ointment for healing deep wounds. Hope pulls us out of the pit of despair, the mud and mire. Hope cleans us off and gives us strength to jump back into battle.

Last month I shared about moving to live with a new family. Thanks for your prayers during this transition! They have accepted me warmly and I am more than blessed by the hospitality of the Maxim family. I hope to stay there for at least the coming year.

Last month I shared with you about my friend living on the street who is pregnant. I was shocked to learn this week that she gave birth to a healthy baby boy on May 13. I had no idea she was so far along, and was expecting her to give birth in July or August. Please join me in prayer for M. and her baby. It remains to be seen where she will live now with her baby. Also pray for wisdom as we pray about beginning a young mothers group. We have five young mothers in mind who we are praying for.

During the month of July I will be spending time with my family in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.  I will also be attending a 10-day staff retreat in Nebraska.  I you would like to contact me during that time, send me an email.


