I Do This for God.

An Interview with Rachel Koon

The following is an interview Rachel Koon conducted and graciously translation from her conversation with a 16 year old girl who recently graduated from the school where the WMF community works in Moldova. She interviewed this young woman because she has a clear desire to serve. She is often creating things with her hands to give as gifts; she often thinks of other people, is very relational, loving and always seeking to help. Here are her thoughts on service:


What does service mean to you?

There is a young girl who came to our school a couple of years ago. When I think about service I think about how I help her learn new things, to help her not be violent and to speak kindly. I also encourage her with nice words to help her feel better, give her gifts and help her bathe herself and help her wash her clothes.


How is this serving?

This is service that isn’t obligatory, I’m not paid, I do this for God.


Why do you serve this little girl?

I liked her from the first day I met her, I also just saw she needed it and how little she knew. I wanted her to know the world around her better.


Where did you learn to serve?

Church, I learned it from the pastor and from Americans who came and talked about service.


Do you learn service from others in your life?

The woman I live with serves me and teaches me. I also go to summer camps and I see people serving there.


Do you see the work you do in helping assist the third grade educator of La VIA as she works with the students as service?

Yes. It was hard at first but I see how happy the kids are to see me and that helps me. I like being with them, a lot. From this experience it has helped me to know that I want to be a teacher.


How will you continue to serve?

I plan to continue serving by being a leader at summer camps.


What about the people in your life? Those you live with?

I can serve those in my life by listening to them, making sure they eat and cooking for them.


How can you encourage others to serve?

I want people to see that it is good to serve and for others to not just think about themselves or how much money they can make. I want people to act from a desire within themselves. We can do this by seeking God who can change our hearts and motivations.