Introducing Liz Ivkovich

lizWe joyfully welcome Liz Ivkovich into the role of International Associate Director of Administration. Here she briefly introduces herself and her vision for administration.

Dear Friends of Word Made Flesh,
I like to say that I grew up with Word Made Flesh. I’ve been reading The Cry since I was 12, and while I loved the pictures, I sort of questioned the sanity of people who said they found Jesus in places of darkness and pain. In 2005, I had to find out for myself and so traveled to Nepal on a Servant Team. During that time, Jesus used the books, stories, faces and vision of WMF to form a calling for His beloved poor on my life.

I still feel surprised that I have been blessed to serve with a community as beautifully diverse as WMF! The Administration Department helps maintain the skeleton of WMF. We provide financial, legal and administrative structure for life and service among the destitute. WMF is not a static organization but an ever-evolving reflection of the heart of Christ with an ever-evolving structure. We hope to be imaginative, excellent and inefficient (yes, inefficient!) in our service to meet the structural challenges of this diverse community.

We will be imaginative while facing different administrative needs in each community, such as Sari Bari in Kolkata and other small-business initiatives. We will continue to grow in excellence as stewards of our resources such as your financial gifts, this earth we call home and the staff who comprise our community. Finally, we will always be inefficient in the service of our friends who are poor. We will be willing to be inconvenienced, willing to take extra time and eager in seeking to empower, through our service of administration, our friends who are poor.

I am thankful for life with this community and thankful for you — our friends who love and serve us so well.

Peace in 2009,
Liz Ivkovich