




Dear friend,

It's come fast, I'm getting my bags packed and leaving Galati tomorrow for six weeks in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.  My itinerary is in last months' letter, with the exception of specific dates for church visits.  So here they are:

Aug 6: Byfield Parish Church, Georgetown, MA

Aug 20: Hope Community Church, Newburyport, MA

Aug 27: FCCO, Ossippe, NH

I look forward to greeting many of you in person.  Pray for me during this time as I connect with supporting friends and family and take time to rest and reflect and write.

Here are more prayer requests for this month (posted on the 10th of each month on our web page

    1.        SUMMER CAMPS: Praise God for the boys' camp in which we spent three days together in Galati, July 3-6.  All six of the young men who attended remained the whole time, which was an answer to prayer as they could have left at any moment.  We played hard, shared meals, prayed, worshiped, listened to testimonies and studied the Exodus, how Israel teaches us about the road to freedom from captivity (in our case to drugs and alcohol).  School kids camp will be in the mountains July 17-24 followed by a parents camp for a handful of moms and dads in the same location, July 25-30.  Pray for these intense times of togetherness to bear fruit in the lives of both parents and children.

2.                    Praise God for Marius who came to live at the boys' home after the death of his father in May.  Now an orphan, Marius has joined the family at Casa Lazar and will celebrate his 18th birthday this month.  Please keep him in prayer as he adjusts to living with a new family.

3.                    Praise God for the safe return of Fani and Magda who were part of a three week mission trip to Bosnia where they joined a team serving as leaders at youth camps.

4.                    Pray for wisdom and guidance as we look to purchase a property near the drop-in center. This will serve as a place for job creation.  Through this new location we seek to provide jobs for the older youth and parents of the school children.

5.                    Pray for Rachel as she travels to the States for six weeks (July 18 -August 30) to visit family, friends and supporting churches.  Rachel has been Servant Team Coordinator for four years and is taking a break before returning to Galati in a field staff position.

6.                    Pray for the McAvaddy family who are still searching for an affordable apartment closer to the drop-in center.  Pray for God's provision and direction as they make this move.


See you soon!


