January 2008

My dear friends and family,

Thanks for the hand cramp.

I got my November support update, which details who sent in a check of support for me. I scrolled down the list of names. And scrolled. My eyes watered as I looked over these precious names – 39 of them. And then I got to the total: $4,622. That's $5,222 before the taxes and insurance came out.

Thank you. These are the smallest words…they just don't carry the weight of the emotion I feel. Thank you for praying with me, for giving to me, for just loving me. I am overwhelmed.

So I've written thank-you notes until my hand cramped. Sweet pain. And still I want to express gratitude. How great is our God.

In December, our Thursday morning prayer times were focused around an advent reading one of the staff picked from “Living in Hope,” Advent Meditations from the writings of Henri Nouwen (thanks TUMC!!). One week we read a meditation called “Do We Fill Empty Places To Avoid God?” The basic question is this: Is there a space in our life where the Spirit of God has a chance to speak or act or show up?

We were given some time to think through this question. Here's what I wrote:

I spend a lot of my time eliminating extra spaces. When I'm editing Cry articles, one of the first things I do is run a “Find/Replace” for two spaces between sentences and change them to one. I cut redundant words and eliminate what does not belong. It can be hard. Sometimes I have to take out a part I like.

But that cutting, the elimination of extra space, directly results in more space where we need it. Even if the space we need is just that – empty space – it's important to the layout of the piece. White space, any designer will tell you, is vital.

Just so in real life. I've got to learn to cut the extraneous, the excess, the distraction so that I can have open space when and where I need it.

Thanks for your prayers. Here are some life updates/prayer requests:

-I love living with Hilary and Chris, and even the dog most of the time. I pray I would be a good roommate, that we would be able to continue having special times together, that we would be a place of community.
-I am so grateful for the hope and help of November's support. I praise God for the love He's showed me through you. My support account is still in the negative. Thank you for continuing to pray with me.
-I'm thankful for some time with family over Christmas.
-Chris and Phileena have returned to Omaha after four months of Sabbatical. Please pray for their transition back into work and the community.
-The Advocacy Team (A-Team) is in planning mode. Please pray for our direction.

Love, love, love and a Happy New Year!
