January Prayer Letter

Happy New Year! Can you believe it? 2010! We made it! I am excited to begin a new year, to have new adventures and make new memories. But, before 2010 begins, I want to remember this past year. I’ll reflect by seasons!
I was working early mornings at 72nd street Starbucks; meeting people, serving customers and drinking americanos. I was regularly attending Coram Deo church. I had started receiving donations and was well on my way to start in the WMF office. I celebrated my birthday by singing and swaying at Mic’s Karaoke.
We packed up our things and moved (with the help of generous friends, family members and a U-haul) 1.5 miles east into a gorgeous townhouse. I settled into my desk and sent my first emails as full-time WMF staff! I entered, and am still in, a difficult yet important spiritual journey—discovering more of how God has created me and how my uniqueness influences the way I live.
I received a film camera from a close friend (my previously owned Canon had been stolen) and I started taking pictures again! I was swept under a fallen tree while kayaking down the Dismal River—temporarily lost my water bottle, apple and granola bar. I started meeting with a Spiritual Director. I created a blog to post how little or how much I want! (http://hilarywilken.blogspot.com) Sitting on the water near Ely, MN with the Mowers family, I caught a tiny yet creditable fish.
I’ve been surprisingly inspired by the book The Brokers K by Duncan. I sat in the middle of all my favorite people as they laid hands on and prayed over me as a new WMF staff member. Re-committed to find a church here in Omaha and began thoughtfully visiting a few different churches. I held a silent labor auction to boost my support account—now I just have to work the 20 hours!
While I cut the bread, Mandy checked the pork before our guests came for “Halo-giv-mas”. Being pounced with snow didn’t stop Mandy and I from walking to the cinema for an afternoon matinee! Touching each bead and stumbling over the words, I prayed the Rosary for my first time with Liz and Jara. My team was threatening competition at the pitch tournament I hosted as a WMF fundraiser.
I cannot include everything from the year—these are just a few memories I am thankful for. I encourage you to reflect on the different seasons in your 2009!
Thanks for your prayers; thanks for thinking of me and for being in this with me.
Remember the WMF staff members and communities. Peace to you!