January Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,


I am writing this letter as we prepare for our Christmas pageant. The children have been rehearsing and preparing costumes so that they can bring the Christmas message to their parents and family. We have been grateful over the past few years to receive gifts for the children from organizations like Samaritan's Purse. Last year, we gave the children the opportunity to do odd jobs around the Community Center in order to “earn” presents to give to their parents. Watching the children give, and not only receive, made the celebration all the more significant. So, over the past few weeks, the children have been working and preparing their gifts. This evening they will give them to their parents.


Next week we will continue the advent celebration by going to all the families and caroling. Bringing 30 joyful children into a dark, rundown house and singing of the Savior's birth has become one of the highlights of my year. A few weeks ago, we discovered a “settlement” on the other side of the train station near an old dump. A couple of families set up some 4×4's around a bed and covered them with cellophane. These structures house families of 4-6 people. No heat, electricity or water. We have only begun to get to know these families, but we plan to carol and bring them gifts for Christmas. Please pray that this will provide an opportunity to develop relationships with them and that God will provide for their welfare this winter.


For the past few years, Romania has been counting down the days to their entry into the European Union, which happens on January 1, 2007. There have been many preparations for this major change in the nation. Unfortunately, most of the families that we are in relationship with do not have access to the benefits of the EU, although they suffer the costs. This is one of the major reasons why we are creating a new project that focuses on job creation. Sadly, the land that we had wanted to purchase was sold to someone else. So, we continue to hunt for the “right” spot. Please pray that God would lead us to the place that He has prepared. And pray that the finances would be there to cover the costs. We really desire to establish and develop this project in 2007. (For more information, please visit our website: www.wmfromania.com)


Looking at the coming year, we foresee a few developments. In February we will receive a couple, Josh and Robin, who will lead the Servant Teams. Robin was on a Servant Team in 2005, and they visited together last summer. We are really looking forward to their involvement. Please pray for their integration into the community and their adaptation to the culture.


Our community is also praying about the potential involvement in a village in southern Romania and in our neighboring country, Moldova. There are a few individuals interested in exploring these possibilities. Please pray that God would give us insight and discernment into these potential developments.


Florin and Eleni, the children that we placed in the foster care of a family from the church, are doing better. They still have deep wounds from past neglect and abuse, but we see God's healing in their lives. Please continue to pray for their complete healing. Also, pray that the doors would open for the Romanian government to authorize the foster mother as a maternal assistant, which means greater financial support for the family.


For the past year we have been praying for the boys living on the streets to get ill. It sounds like a strange prayer, but it is only when they hurt extremely bad that they seek change. In June, Valentin came down with TB. He had to stay at the hospital for three months and has since stayed and the center for minors. He has been drug free since June! Last month, Bogdan, who has been on drugs continually since 1991, came down with a bad back and leg problem. Basically, he can't walk, which means that he can't get drugs. The doctors still don't know what he has. We are thankful that he has been drug free for the most of 2 months. We pray that Valentin and Bogdan will stay off the streets, grow in their relationship with God, and experience abundant life.


Moise, who chose to leave the Boys' Home in September, is still involved at the Community Center. He is living with his grandfather but wants to leave there. Currently, we are trying to place him with a host family from the church. Pray that we find a family that is suited for Moise. Also pray that we have direction for the future of the Boys' Home.


In February, I will be traveling to Africa. I will be with our community in Sierra Leone for a week. Please keep them in your prayers. Cami and Faye really need committed, long-term staff to come around them in order for this work to continue. Please pray for our time together. From Sierra Leone I will be traveling to South Africa and Zambia with Chris (WMF executive director), Sarah (partnership platform coordinator) and Noah (part of the Sierra Leone community). We will be looking at the possibilities of establishing community and building partnerships. Please pray for protection, guidance and discernment for these trips. Also, pray for Lenuta and me as this will be the longest we have been apart since we've been married.


Thank you for your love, prayers and support,

David and Lenutsa