July 2000 Prayer Letter


July 1, 2000


Dear Friends,


July is the last month of our 6 month stay here in Lima, Peru.


Our time here has been productive and fruitful.  Phileena and I are so thankful to our Board of Directors and international staff members for granting us the freedom to spend this time in Lima.


We feel like we have really been able to connect with the Word Made Flesh community here in Peru.  It has been such a blessing being able to further develop our friendships with everyone here.


It has also been great being able to work together with the staff here to help gain clairty for the future and direction of the work in South America.  By the end of next year we are hoping to start Word Made Flesh communities in La Paz, Bolivia and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  Being here in South America for these 6 months has also given us the opportunity to begin planning for these next steps for the mission.


Finally it has been incredible being able to be among the street children of Lima.  The Lord has used the boys and girls here to break our hearts and further instill His vision for the broken and despised of the world.


Please pray for us as we begin to wrap up our time here.  Good-byes are never easy and because of the joy we have experienced, the sorrow and pains of leaving will be all the more real.


In August Phileena and I will be traveling to Kathmandu, Nepal.  Christine Erny will be delivering her second child and so Phileena and I will be there for support for the Erny family and to help them celebrate the new life of their second born.  Word Made Flesh is also beginning a work in Kathmandu for desitute widows and we're excited to see this new area of ministry unfold.


As always your prayers and support have carried us and enabled us to accomplish all of these things.  Your love and sacrifice means so much to us and we honestly couldn't do any of this without you.


We love hearing from you, your letters and e-mails also sustain us when times get hard, so please continue writing.


God's peace to you all,


Chris and Phileena Heuertz