July 2002 Prayer Letter


  Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from Wilmore. Soon, our prayer letters will be written from Omaha, Nebraska. We are eagerly awaiting the big move. Chris and I, along with Brent Anderson (Director of Administration) and Daphne Eck (Advocacy Coordinator) will pack up our apartments and office at the end of August and make the 12-hour road trip to the “Big O”(as some affectionately refer to Omaha).

God has been so faithful to lead the mission and us in this move. Trusting in His loving kindness and faithfulness, we are excited about all that He has planned. The process has been a considerable journey in faith. Brent, Daphne, Chris and I visited Omaha in May to look at various office options. At this point, none of the places we've seen seem right for us. We're not hurting for options. There's plenty of office space available for sale and rent. The difficulty is finding the best place for us.

In June, Chris and I will have traveled to Sao Paulo, Brazil for a small, intimate conference of church planters among the poor, hosted by Viv Grigg. Chris has been asked to speak and give a devotional at the conference. We're really looking forward to meeting with mission leaders from all around the world who are living and serving among the poor.

We'll spend most of July in Wilmore. The 9th-12th, Chris is taking a personal retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani here in Kentucky. He would really appreciate your prayers and intercession during that time and as he prepares, that he would know what books he should read during that time, etc. Chris is returning to Omaha at the end of July to continue in the search and consider even some temporary office options.

The month of August is set aside for preparing for the move to Omaha. We won't travel overseas again until we make a routine visit to South Asia in November.

As always, we are in need of your prayers. Moving the office to Omaha is exciting, but can be stressful too. We have a lot of transition ahead of us and would appreciate as much prayer covering as possible. We trust the Lord to open and close doors according to His will.

We love each of you so much and are eternally grateful for the ways you partner with us in ministry among the poor of our world.

God bless you,


Chris and Phileena's 2002 Summer/Fall Itinerary

June 16-27 Sao Paulo, Brazil (conference for church planters among the poor, hosted by Viv Grigg)
July 9-12 Abbey of Gethsemani, KY (spiritual retreat for Chris)
July 20-27 Omaha, NE (Chris will continue the search for office space)
Aug 2-4 Indianapolis, IN (visiting Phileena's family before the big move)
Oct 3-8 Orlando, Florida (University of Central Florida, Wesley Foundation Mission's Conference)
Nov 1-3 Omaha, NE (WMF Board Meeting)
Nov 9- Dec 20 South Asia Field Visit (India, Nepal, Thailand, and Burma)