July 2006

Greetings from South Asia!

I hope this finds you all well, with summer underway!  We are enjoying the change of seasons here in Kathmandu.  Things continue to be running smoothly here with our boys at Kripaa Sadan.  3 weeks ago our Pastor Ranjit and his wife Sarah opened a Bible school for the boys as well as for other members of our church.  We are so excited about how much the boys are learning and growing through the wonderful lessons Sarah is giving them.  We are watching as more and more of them are showing an interest in full time minstry in the future. Please continue to liftt them up in prayer!

By the time you receive this letter I will have already reached home for my summer break.  I can’t wait to see many of you and to spend time with my family once again.  If anyone is interested in visiting or giving me a call please don’t be shy! My home number is (620)327-2274.  I will be home from June 22-July 26.

Enclosed is an update from all of us here in Nepal.  We wanted to give you all a brief overview of all the projects WMF Nepal is involved with right now.  Please continue to pray for our ministries.  We appreciate all of you so much and we want to thank you for your faithful support!!

Be blessed!



Dear Friends of Word Made Flesh Nepal,


As a community, we wanted to give you an update on the past year.  We have seen amazing things happen in the hearts and lives of many whom as serve among-and in our own hearts and lives as well.  We have heard the voice of God calling us to extend our faith in Him far beyond what we have ever experienced before.  And the results are astounding.  Lives are being transformed, hopes restored, and futures altered.  We are a blessed community and we want to share the blessings with each of you who have played a vital role in all that has been taking place here through your financial gifts, regular support, and, most importantly, your prayers.


Our community has undergone a few changes in the last year.  Following are the names of each full time staff member:  Gautam and Rekha Rai, Brook Birch, Rup Chaulagain, Margaret Wachsmuth, Jyoti Bhattarai, Top Magar, Kimberly and Silas West.


Karuna Ghar-Home of Compassion

In May the girls and staff of Karuna Ghar celebrated their first year since moving into their new building.  We praise God for His provision in this.  March also saw the addition of two new girls, Shri Devi and Parbati.  Both have adjusted well to live in the home and are in school.  They have assimilated so well that no one could tell that they have only been a part of the family for a few months.


Prem Ghar-Home of Love

Our home for destitute and abandoned widows has also taken in a new woman, Gyani Maya.  She is 81 years old and came to stay in Prem Ghar two months ago after seven years of living in a hut made of plastic and rubbish and surviving from handouts and begging.  She is paralyzed in her legs and cannot walk.  Jyoti is also in the process of potentially taking in three more elderly widows.


Kripaa Sadhan-House of Mercy

Our newest ministry is Kripaa Sadhan, a home we started in January in response to several of the drug addicted men whom we have been working with over the past several years making a step of faith in Jesus Christ.  Recognizing their need for community as they overcome their addictions and grown in their faith, we began working in partnership with our local church, The Living Church, in providing a loving, supportive and disciplined family atmosphere.  This is a place of miracles as the nine young men living there grow daily in their walk with God.  Our initial goal was to help them get off the streets and get clean.  But already we see that Kripaa Sadhan is far more than that.  It has become a place where the men are finding their place in God’s Kingdom, where they are being prepared for service and ministry.  God is using this ministry to prepare future leaders.  Two weeks ago, our church began a Bible School in Kripaa Sadhan.  All nine of the men attend as well as several other church members.  In addition to that, ministry teams made up of our staff and other members of the church have been visiting the families of several of the men and many of the parents are turning to the Lord (including one father who was a local shaman/spiritual healer).  We are also looking into some small business projects which could provide both income for the home and skills for the men.  Another unexpected facet of the ministry of Kripaa Sadhan has been that of preparation for death.  Recently, the first member of the Kripaa Sadhan family went to be with Jesus after succumbing to complications resulting from AIDS.  About 80% of the men are HIV positive.  We believe with all our hearts that the miracle of redemption we have seen in the men’s lives already will also continue to their physical needs.  We are sure that we will see complete, miraculous healing take place.  And for those who God desires to bring home, we are now better equipped to prepare them for that.


Our ministry here is dependant on your prayers for us and those whom we serve among.  The following link will take you to our web site where you can find prayer requests that are specific to the Nepal Field and monthly prayer letters that have been written by our staff here.  Please refer to those so as to better guide your prayers for the ministry here: http://www.wordmadeflesh.com/support/


Lastly, with the expansion of our ministry here, we have seen an increase in our financial needs.  Please see the following breakdown of monthly costs as you prayerfully consider giving.  We are always grateful for one time gifts.  But we also need committed monthly support.  If you feel God is leading you in this way, please refer to the above link to our website or contact any one of the staff listed earlier in this letter.


Kripaa Sadhan


Food, staff salary, clothing, and medical expenses.



Building rent

Prem Ghar


Food, salary, clothing, and medical expenses.

Karuna Ghar


Food, salary, education, clothing, and medical expenses.



Gas, maintenance, and driver salary.

Additional Expenses


Hospitality, facility rent, scholarships, and staff salary.





We recognize that without your obedience to God to give and pray, nothing in this letter would have been possible.  We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your willingness to stand beside us as we serve among the poorest of the poor.




The WMF Nepal Staff