July 2007 Prayer Letter

Recently, we reflected together on gratitude. Daphne read from Gracias! by Henri Nouwen. Here's an excerpt:

In many of the families I visited nothing was certain, nothing predictable, nothing totally safe. Maybe there would be food tomorrow, maybe there would be work tomorrow, maybe there would be peace tomorrow. Maybe, maybe not. But whatever is given-money, food, work, a handshake, a smile, a good word, or an embrace-is a reason to rejoice and say gracias.

Then Daphne asked us to consider what a spirit of gratitude really is, what it should look like in our lives. It is a lifestyle, truly. And part of it, we decided, is receiving with grace something from another that you can't do yourself and can't repay.

With gratitude, I want to say thanks for all of the support and encouragement you have extended to me. You have been the incarnation of God's provision. And with humility, I want to communicate my needs-ways you can help me that I can't possibly repay.

In preparing for my move to Omaha to work with Word Made Flesh, I was excited. I was motivated to seek out churches where I could speak. I wrote and spoke to friends whom I wanted to partner with me in this life step. Since that commitment was for a year, it was easy for me to imagine getting by on one-time donations. It was easier for me to ask for support in that way.

Now, as I wrote last month, I am preparing for a three-year contract. Even though I'm incredibly excited to pursue this calling, I feel a little bit of dread. Will I be able to find the means to stay? And then last month, my support account dipped into the negative for the first time.

So I write this letter to humbly ask for your help.

Besides several generous one-time gifts, I have had 13 loved ones graciously commit to supporting me monthly, a total of $540. For my $1,400 monthly net pay, I need to raise $2,336 each month (which includes Social Security, taxes, insurances). This leaves $1,796 for me to raise each month.

Can I tell you the truth? As I entered those numbers into the calculator and hit =, the 1,796 came up like a punch in the gut. I feel like it's just too high, just an insurmountable task. And then I think about how I felt when I accepted the internship in the first place. Overwhelmed. How can I possibly raise this money? How can I ask for this? Yet now, I think back over the past 10 months and praise God for meeting my needs, for answering my prayers, for being Jehovah Jireh, mighty Provider. And I thank my God for you and your prayers and your encouragement and support of me. God has not only met my financial needs, but he's brought me into a community where I have been challenged to grow and learn, and where I have been able to offer my gifts and reflections and struggles. I know my heart has been able to grow in gratitude through this process. And I know it's about to grow a whole lot more, as I am assured God will meet my needs.

I am asking you to seriously and prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter. If 40 people could commit to $50 a month-that would be more than enough. That $50 is just an example. If you cannot afford that much, what about $5? Seriously. And maybe you could afford more than $50-and that would certainly be welcome too! 😉

I don't want to discourage one-time gifts. There are many reasons I would still love to get one-time gifts if that is what you can offer. For instance, I will be traveling to Brazil in a few months, and I will be responsible for the cost of the plane ticket. Also, our staff retreat is this month, and my costs have been taken out of my support account in three large chunks. And, right now, one-time donations could help recover my deficit.

So, the ultimate goal is to have my salary covered by monthly supporters, and then special events and travel be covered by one-time gifts.

Thank you for reading this. I know it isn't thrilling to read about my need. It isn't easy to write about it, either. Thanks for respecting my vulnerability. It may be silly, but I'm really glad to have so many loved ones with whom I can share vulnerably.

I appreciate your prayers for me in this time. Please also be praying for our staff. All the internationally-based US staff are coming back for retreat this month. I can't wait to meet these people who have already touched my life so deeply!!

And I want to invite you to a few events. If you live in Omaha or nearby, July 8 will be a very special Beggars Society. The Regional Coordinators will be sharing about the global WMF community. Please come if you can. It starts at 7 p.m. that Sunday. The address is 1011 Leavenworth, Omaha, NE 68102.

If you are in Illinois, I will be home July 26-August 5. I will be visiting a few churches, speaking at a high-school conference about the sex trade, and attending my five-year reunion. If you would like to get together during this trip, please let me know. It would be great to catch up.

Thanks again for reading, for loving, for praying. You bless me.




“In the Latin America where countless martyrs have made the suffering Christ visible, a voice that we need to hear more than ever cries out. That voice calls us anew to know with heart and mind that all that is, is given to us as a gift of love, a gift that calls us to make our life into an unceasing act of gratitude.”

Henri Nouwen, Gracias!