July 2008 Prayer Letter

July 2008

Hello family and friends!

Well it doesn't seem like it but the year is more than half over and, besides the calendar, the cold weather is a constant reminder that winter has arrived.  We do regret not sending out a prayer letter the last two months and hope that this update finds you well and thanking God for the gift of life.

I do want to share with you a wonderful experience that recently took place.  This past Sunday (June 8) at the church we attend, I was able to baptize a young man who, along with his girlfriend, we have accompanied and prayed for the past 3 years.  Many of you have prayed for them already since I had asked for prayer on their behalf when they were looking for housing during their pregnancy.  In preparation for this step of faith, Adriana and I walked through several lessons of discipleship material with C and L that touched on topics such as what is liberation/salvation in Jesus, following and living like Jesus, prayer, the Bible, church, the Eucharist, and finally the meaning of baptism.  Over the past several months it has been wonderful to see them find a place in the church family, to love and receive love there and come to know God more.  So, as they made the decision to be baptized it was a beautiful testimony of their desire to walk after Jesus and find new life in him.  It is our prayer that they continue to experience the liberating love and grace of God in their lives.  Please pray for God's continued mercy upon this young couple and their infant son.

Preparations for the 2nd WMF Regional Staff Retreat in October are in full swing and we anticipate a great week together of communion, learning and simply having fun together.  Workers from all 4 communities in South America will be attending the retreat in a small beach town a few hours north of Lima.  There will be nearly 30 adults and 10 children attending and to our joy the kids will have their own sort of retreat with volunteers who will be coordinating the children's portion.  So we ask that you pray for the planning and preparations for the retreat, safe travel for all the staff and that during our time together the Spirit of God would unite us and deepen our passion and love for Him, for each other and for our brothers and sisters we serve among.

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing around us through your prayers, love and giving.  Our family is blessed to be able to live out our vocation because of your generosity and love.

