August 2009

Dear Friends,

By the time you receive this, I will be preparing to leave for Bolivia. As I’m getting ready to leave Nashville, I have been thinking about what my move to Nashville has meant in my life. I moved here right out of college. I moved here for my first job that I really liked. I wasn’t content though and knew that there was something else I was supposed to do with my life. I packed up and went to Bolivia for four months. I gained a deeper understanding of pain and suffering as a result of what I saw in the brothels and at missionaries of charity. I was able to reconcile my own responsibility to the poor as I studied the book of Luke with my servant team. It was a beauitful, yet painful four months and perhaps among the most significant four months in my life. I remember walking down the street to my house after a meeting one afternoon and seeing some kids playing in the park. I was tired at this point—emotionally, spiritually and physically. I was thinking about the past few months as I was preparing to leave. I had a thought: “this is something I could give my life to”. It’s been a while since that day in El Alto, but those words still ring true in my ear. So, I’m going back. There are a lot of days I’m overwhelmed with what is going on in Honduras, Sudan, the middle east, the other side of town, and my own neighborhood. Sometimes I want to solve all the problems. I’m reminded that I’m not going to solve the world’s problems. I can’t solve the problems, but I can hold on to the hope that one day all things will be made right. That is the hope that I have.

So now i’m going to Bolivia. I’m going with hopes of building relationships with the women who work in prostitution in El Alto in hopes of sharing life. Sometimes I’m asked about what I’m looking forward to. Do I have expectations? What do I need as I go? I’m thinking through all these things and realizing that I am content where I’m at. I’m trying to fully be present in Nashville while I’m here. I’m grateful for the times that I get to sip the best cuban coffee in town with a friend. I’m grateful for the rhythm of worship at City Church. I’m grateful for friends and family who have supported me. I’m grateful for a job one day a week that I love (as a therapist). I’m grateful for opportunities to share about what I will be a part of in Bolivia.

I’m leaving Nashville August 3. I will spend 12 days cruising Missouri and Arkansas visiting dear friends and family. I will leave from Kansas City, Missouri on my way to Bolivia on August 15th. It will have been three years to the date of when I first arrived in Bolivia.

I received news that my year visa was not approved, but I have received a 30 day visa. I will have to do some paperwork once I arrive to get it extended.

I would like to update you on my financial status. As I mentioned in the last newsletter I have all the necessary up-front cash. I still need monthly supporters. I’m raising $2,000 per month to cover living expenses, administrative costs and other ministry related expenses. I’m grateful for the generous donations. Thank you for partnering with me as I go to Bolivia. I have included envelopes and automatic deduction forms.

Next time you receive my newsletter I will be able to tell you a bit more about life in El Alto.


Alicia Bunch