July 2009 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

Ana and I traveled to the American embassy in Bucharest recently to apply for a visa for our visit to Omaha this summer. And I have good news. Ana did receive a visa. That means we will be able to attend the reception in our honor on the 11th of July! And it means Ana will get to meet my family and, I hope, many of my friends. Thank you so much for your prayers concerning the visa. The woman who interviewed Ana at the embassy was pretty mean to Ana and basically said she didn’t want to give her a visa. But in the end she did give her one, so we were quite pleased. I know your prayers made a difference.

I am writing this letter on the last day of the school year. Again, by the time this letter reaches you our summer program should be in full swing. Please pray for us. We are hoping for another great summer with the children. We have a full schedule of games, Bible studies, lessons, reading times, prayer times, working on social skills, worship, art clubs, and lunches! We will again be doing special clubs each week, as well. A few interesting titles: globalization, workshop, chemistry experiments, chess, basketball, volleyball, and so on. Plus there will be a series of clubs (several weeks in a row) in which a group of children will write a short play. Then they will design and sew their own costumes. After that, they will have acting lessons. And finally they will learn a bit about filming. Then they get to put them all together and perform for all the rest of us. I’m sure it will be amazing.

Every Friday we have an outing planned. These are especially fun times for both us and the children. And they are an added motivation for the children to come daily to the center since they can only go on an outing if they were present Monday thru Thursday of that week. We’ll be going to the public swimming pool (at least twice), to a local stadium to play soccer, and to a couple of parks. We are again planning on a trip to the botanical gardens which includes the planetarium. And there plenty of other activities planned, as well. Like I said, we have a full, full schedule.

Please pray especially this month for Ana and me as we are in Omaha. I never have enough time to get together with everyone I would like and this time will not likely be an exception. But I really would like for Ana to meet everyone. By the way, if you would like to get together with us but we don’t yet have a time planned, please email me as soon as you can. I am ok with this trip being more full than usual. And please pray for the children and the other workers while we are away. There are lots and lots of vacations planned for this summer (like every summer) which means that in certain weeks there will only be a few staff members with all of the children. Ahhhh! Lord, have mercy…

We are very much looking forward to seeing you soon!


Paul and Ana