July 2011 Prayer Letter


As you read this I am traveling between Bolivia and Brazil. I’ve been looking forward to visiting the Word Made Flesh communities in these countries for a number of months, and it is so good to finally depart. Hilary, a co-worker of mine, and I will be in El Alto, Bolivia until July 6. We will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil until July 13. We will arrive back in Omaha on July 14. This is my first time traveling outside of the United States. And it is both of our first times visiting a WMF community. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated as we see firsthand the service being done in both of these cities! I so look forward to sharing with you next month about my experience.

In other news, I am getting close to my support-raising goals. There is still work to be done, and I ask that if you haven’t already, to prayerfully consider supporting me through prayer or financially in my role at Word Made Flesh. Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity! I know I’ve said this before, but it remains true; I would not be able to serve here if it were not for you. Thank you!

Look forward to next month’s prayer letter where I will give you a recap of my time in South America!

With gratitude,

Jeff Swart