July Prayer Letter

July 2011

Today is June 13th and less than three weeks away from my departure to South America! Jeff and I fly out on the first of July. So, we might actually be there or en route at the very moment that you are reading this! Very exciting! I look forward to giving you all a full report when I return!

For now, I want to thank you for making this possible for me!

As I prepare to leave for this trip, my heart is so full. The support, affirmation and help that you all have offered to me is extraordinary. Thank you! I feel like I am able to embrace this venture with much excitement and anticipation rather than stress and anxiety. I would not be at this mental, emotional and financial state without your generous contributions.

More specifically…

A few weeks ago I hosted a BBQ Fundraiser, asking folks to donate $15/meal, with the proceeds going to my WMF support account. Almost 50 people came! And, at the end of the night, l counted nearly $700! Wow! Thank you!

Not only did I receive additional funds with that event, but also, so many of you sent in gifts to help offset the expense of this trip. The generosity and thoughtfulness of these donations have been huge encouragement. Thank you!

And, this past weekend I was able to share at my two supporting churches back in my hometown. I just love these people and it was great to share face-to-face with them about my excitement for this trip. I drove back to Omaha feeling extremely grateful for the many people in my life who deeply believe in me, in Word Made Flesh and in the work God is doing in/through both!

If a heart could gush, mine would literally be gushing! So much thankfulness and gratitude! It may sound dramatic but that is how it feels! I hope you know how much I appreciate your partnership. Thank you for being in this with me!

Please continue to pray. Pray for our safety and health. Pray that we arrive and return without altitude or motion sickness. Pray for our experience. Pray that we can encourage our staff and gain better appreciation and understanding for their lifestyles. Pray that we would love and receive love from those we encounter. Pray that we would return more inspired to serve with Word Made Flesh.

Thank you for all the support and love you continue to extend toward me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!  

Peace and love.
