July Prayer Letter

July 2009

I love a story that Josh Fowler, Romania Field Staff, shared about a memorable experience he had with one of the children in Casa La Vale*, the WMF Community Center located in Galati. I just have to share it with you all; it very beautifully portrays the restoration that comes through togetherness with one another and profoundly reflects the renewal and life we receive in Christ.

For a long time Fanel*, a boy who attends the community center, was closed off and wouldn’t say much to me. He just told me to leave him alone. At the community center, a contest was announced for the children. Each adult would be paired with a child, and the children had to memorize Psalm 23 and know what each verse meant to them. Fanel and I were matched up; each day we were given 30 minutes to be together to memorize the Psalm. These times often started out with “I’m not going to memorize it, Josh. Come on, Josh, let’s play. I don’t want to today.” But I always replied with, “We have to. I don’t care if you want to or not.” I forced us to be together and I am glad I did. After two weeks, Fanel knew the psalm. At the contest, he went right up to the front and started before anyone was ready to listen and said it perfectly. Afterward, I made sure he knew that I saw him say it perfectly and was proud of him. I don’t know if it was just this time together or this whole past year of seeing each other and my weak attempts at friendship with him, but now Fanel responds to me. Memorizing this psalm together made us both face ourselves and each other. We couldn’t run, and the community center is too small to hide. We had to be together; we had to stay and be present.

Isn’t this the way we reject Jesus Christ and the invitation to be in relationship with the Savior? I am asked to sit in the presence of God and I respond like Fanel, “I’m not going to”. That space with the One is so difficult to welcome and too easy to neglect. But think of the sacred healing, restoration, life and love that God promises to teach and reveal to us in the time we have together. These are the promises of God spoken through Paul, “Now our God is the Spirit and where the Spirit of our God is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces reflect our God’s glory, grow brighter and brighter as we are being transformed in the image we reflect. This is the work of our God, who is Spirit.” 2 Cor. 3:17-18. Gazing on God’s face, changes ours; spending time with God, being present to God’s voice, teaches us love. Just like Fanel, in order to embrace love we have to stay, we have to be present; we have to welcome the One who will always make space.

Please continue to pray for me and the WMF community. If you have access to internet, I encourage you to check out the website www.wordmadeflesh.org (read The Cry, staff prayer letters, field updates and blogs) – there are so many incredible things happening around the world!

Support update: I currently have 15 supporters who commit to monthly sponsorship. Thank you for continuing to support me – your partnership in this is extraordinary! The flip side of this is that I send my letter to 157 people. I would love for you to share in the work of WMF and financial support is a huge way to do that. So, I ask that you please prayerfully consider a monthly amount that you are able to give. Thanks for journeying with me – it means a ton that you faithfully read these, encourage me with emails/letters and support me with prayers. Thank you!



*At Casa La Vale, or the Valley House, WMF staff work with about twenty kids; providing food, clothes, medical care, showers, recreation, worship, Bible studies, counseling and educational opportunities.

*Fanel’s name has been changed for his protection.