July Prayer Letter

July 2010



I was kneeling down outside of the house this past weekend. I had purchased a bunch of marigolds and was making holes in the dirt to plant them. This is what I decided to do to steer away the rabbits that are threatening to eat my tomato plants! I had started all my plants from seed so, seeing evidence of a bunny munching on the ends of them is really frustrating to me. I have put thought, energy, money, time, etc. into our small garden. I want to see red tomatoes, bright green cucumbers and spinach and thick carrots. I will keep giving the plants attention to get them there! 48 marigolds on sale for $9.99 is exactly the price I will pay to help the little plants!

It might be important for me to note the size of ground I am working with. I would estimate my “garden” is probably about 12 sq ft. If you follow the instructions printed on the marigold “how to grow” tab you would give 12” of space between each plant. I definitely do not have that amount of ground but I am planting all of them anyway! So, back to kneeling down outside my house…

I look up when I hear my 7-year-old neighbor girl holler, “Hey, What are you doing?” I respond, “I’m planting marigolds to keep away the rabbits.” She stops for a little while then keeps riding on her little scooter. She comes back and I ask, “Do you like flowers? Do you want one? You can plant it by your house.” She exclaims “yes” then gives the single pellet to her little sister who carries it back to their house while she rides her little scooter. She came back and helped me plant a few of them—pointing out where they should go and helping to place them in the holes. Later in the evening I started thinking about what I had given her…actually I was thinking about what I had not given her. I could have handed her the little spade so that she could have planted the flowers. I could have stopped planting and given her my time. At the very least, I could have given her a 4-pack, but considering the value of these marigolds ($.21 each) what sort of a gift is that? I cannot believe I sent her away with just one…

I barely gave her my time. I hardly gave her my attention. I don’t know that I truly loved little Sylvia in that moment. I can give. I should give. I want to give. That afternoon, what kept me from giving? I have thought so much about my interaction with Sylvia and I pray that God will give me more time with her.

Remember and give and choose to love



“A poor widow came and put in two small coins, the equivalent of a penny. Then Jesus called out to the disciples and said to them, ‘The truth is, this woman has put in more than all who have contributed to the treasury; for they have put in money from their surplus, but she has put in everything she possessed from the little she had—all she had to live on”. Mark 12:42-44