June 2002

Dear Friends,

I’m writing to you from the porch of our apartment.  We are in the dead of winter and there is about a 20-degree difference in the sun.  With the brisk air and cold nights, we have found ourselves soaking up every bit of sun these past few weeks.  Life in Bolivia continues to be a blessing with many challenges.  Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to give you an update on our lives and our work here:

It was another beautiful day in El Alto.  The crispness in the air and the view of the mountains from our porch once again brought the reassurance that the presence of the Lord was with us.  This was not to be any ordinary day.

We had been planning for weeks.  We had personally visited fourteen brothels and invited the woman who find themselves in the trap of prostitution to a Mothers Day celebration.  Working together with just about every contact we have in El Alto, we prepared food for 150 people, hired clowns for the children, put together music, games, and decorations.  We really had no idea what to expect.

Looking back we continue to thank the Lord for His hand of guidance that day.  Nearly 100 woman and children attended the party.  For three hours we were able to shower these woman and children with the love of Christ.  What a blessing it was to see these woman receive positive attention when so much of their lives are caught in the trap of exploitation.  Many of them have since expressed their appreciation for making them feel so special.  Since the party we have been visiting the streets and brothels where these woman sell their bodies to make a living.  The party has given us a great starting point to build relationships.  Please continue to keep these women and our ministry among them in your prayers.

Another exciting part of our lives is the little one that grows inside of Andrea.  She has just completed the first trimester and both the baby and mom seems to be doing fine.  We could covet your prayers as we learn more about this new adventure.

We cannot express enough how much we feel blessed to be serving the Lord among the poor of Bolivia.  We really feel like the lessons we are learning and the people we are meeting are a direct result of the prayers of His people.  Thanks so much for joining us in this new venture.

In Him,

Andy & Andrea