June 2010 Prayer Letter

June 2010

Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers this past month. We just returned from our staff retreat this week and a good time was had by all. I think we’re still settling into all of the changes in our community over the last year, but settling we are. We had amazing weather for the entire week and we all came back with a bit of a tan. A couple of highlights from the week were hiking to the top of a nearby mountain and being a part of Bela’s (Romanian staff member) ten-year anniversary celebration. Please pray that all the Lord did in our hearts over the course of the week would be sealed there for His purposes.

If we thought the weather was nice in the mountains, we got a nice surprise upon our return to Galati.  It has been sunny and warm all week. It feels like summer and I think it’s giving the kids a bit of a fever, summer fever that is.  It’s just a little harder to get motivated for homework and playing outside is too tempting to resist. The last day of the school year here is June 11th. Please pray that all the children will finish the year well.

Please begin praying for our summer programs, as well. As June approaches we have already started to anticipate more changes. Josh and Robin have returned to the U.S. and David and Lenuta will be leaving for a time of sabbatical, returning next spring. With the upcoming WMF staff gathering this summer, Bela, April, Ana and I will all be away for extended periods of the summer. Please pray for those that will be holding down the fort in our absence. They will be the definition of a skeleton crew, just four workers.


Paul and Ana